This manhwa is the best story-wise. It was well-paced, lovable and relatable characters and a very realistic conflicts and resolution. Subin I'm so happy for you. You may have suffered so much but you've matured and you've got your well-deserved happy ending full of love. This is a masterpiece.
Yup! It was a happy ending. I don't want to spoil anything but for me there is something that I didn't expect that made me like the manhwa even more. It is really a good read. Go for it. I may not be a fan of the art, I think it was "intentional?" and helped set the general feel of the manhwa.
Yup! It was a happy ending. I don't want to spoil anything but for me there is something that I didn't expect that made me like the manhwa even more. It is really a good read. Go for it. I may not be a fan of t... AiLoveSarang
This manhwa is the best story-wise. It was well-paced, lovable and relatable characters and a very realistic conflicts and resolution. Subin I'm so happy for you. You may have suffered so much but you've matured and you've got your well-deserved happy ending full of love. This is a masterpiece.