fuck chiba

moist May 14, 2024 5:25 am

Chiba and his simp cunt enabling behaviour drives me fucking insane. It's white knighting faggots like him who do nothing but inflate the egos of worthless whores. They're the only thing stopping cunts from being gunned down in the streets. I'd saw his fucking limbs off and cauterize them with burning sulfur. He fucking deserves it for not disemboweling her ASAP for sending that goon after him.

Then I'd smash Haru's jaw wide open with a crowbar and feed his whore worshiping entrails to her before I smash her teeth out with a hammer and melt her face with acid so she lives the rest of her life an ugly wretched creature weeping painful tears through unseeing eyes hobbling through the streets as she begs for food now she can't use her body to deceive simp faggots into thinking she has any value whatsoever not before I infect that cunt with slow acting AIDs, syphilis and gonorrhea so all her clients die slow and horrible deaths.

Then i'd gorge on greasy mexican and indian food, beat the shit out of Chiba's waifu Lupe with a tire iron, stick her in a bag full of broken glass shards and rusty nails, beat the shit out of the bag with a club, run the bag over, dunk the bag in a river, and then fill the bag with slimy orange diarrhea before I toss it into a meat locker so she has a 50/50 chance of dying by freezing or septic shock.

Fuck. Them. All.

JK Haru is a cognitohazard. It contradicts every point it tries to make. It has no coherent narrative or message. It is a constant wankfest about how hot and perfect and wonderful the MC is.

It is a masturbatory fantasy for ugly friendless men who desperately wish they were hot anime girls so they can feel morally and socially superior to their fellow nerds. You can tell it's for autogynephiles since it focusses on how wimpy and pathetic Chiba is like a self-hating male feminist debasing himself for the tiniest sliver of female attention.

    Fruitdog5 May 27, 2024 2:25 am

    You have two brain cells and they are fighting for third place.

    moist May 30, 2024 3:34 am
    You have two brain cells and they are fighting for third place. Fruitdog5

    Okay that actually made me laugh a bit. Good one.

    Also: No character in this manga is remotely likable, all of them deserve to die painfully.

    Chiba is the kind of person whom every retarded feminist cunt believes men are. They literally cannot imagine anyone who genuinely hates them because society worships whores so their greatest fear is a man who worships them the wrong way.

    He's not even an accurate portrayal of an otaku. Most of them fucking hate prostitution or the idea of their significant other fucking another man. They have a severe purity complex and would shit themselves to death if they learned their waifu wasn't a virgin. It's completely mind-boggling.

    Fuck brain-dead lobotomized feminists. Fuck pussywhipped dickless incels who worship women like gods. They should all be shot, burned, and thrown off buildings.

    Eat shit maude from goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/138584951-maude

    The author is also a groomer BTW who feels sexually inferior to high schoolers so he has to write pages and pages of prose belittling all men younger than him so he can trick teenage girls into sleeping with him because he's such a brave male ally. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually fucks teenage prostitutes and he's writing this to tell himself what a nice guy he is compared to all the other men on the planet.

    Ozymandias June 8, 2024 12:52 pm

    skill issue