total dogshit

moist May 30, 2024 11:44 am

really bad. really, really bad. lets face it: Chiba is Ko Hiratori's self insert.

No male author spends 90% of a manga belittling the under-developed genitals of teenage boys unless they are self inserting as him while they have a humiliation fetish and get off to being insulted by whores.

I wonder if Hiratori is secretly addicted to virgin wish fulfilment isekai but he feels guilty about it: so he wrote this to tell himself "ha ha... i'm not like that loser!"

Meanwhile Hiratori is a niceguy. In his mind all other men are disgusting creeps and he's the only gentleman on the planet. So this ugly male simultaneously imagines himself as Sumo and the demon king and whoever that geralt lookalike is supposed to be so he can fuck the vapid bitch who spat on him in high school.

Hiratori probably masturbates his tiny dick to the thought of her insulting him every day, but since his chances of screwing a real life JK are low, he has to increase the number of teenage prostitutes out there by glorifying it as a legitimate job. Going off on rants about how teenage boys are worthless and impotent while telling teenage girls they should be whores because it's totes empowering is something only a pedophile would do.

It's fucking hilarious how these males like Andrew Dobson disguise their pedophilic, sadomasochistic sexual fantasies as feminist empowerment stories and their 20 IQ, gullible readers eat it right up. Holy shit. Absolutely fucking hilarious.

Isekai is a complete dogshit genre, but this is utter kaka in a way most isekai isn't. It's like steamy indian food diarrhea as opposed to spicy taco bell diarrhea. Fuck JK Haru and fuck every single character in it.

it's also incredibly disingenuous. Full of bullshit, dishonesty and lies. It actively goes out of its way and tells you the characters you should root for by censoring and downplaying actions that would make you think higher of the wrong person. Just because there are petals and tears in a frame doesn't mean that character is brave and kind. It means there are petals and tears. The same goes if a character is making a stupid face. What a transparent attempt at gaslighting.

Also: You hate Chiba because he's creepy and a misogynist.

I hate Chiba because he didn't fucking scalp that cunt the first chance he got. If it were me I would have wiped my diarrhetic ass on her bleeding skull. Fuck Chiba. Fucking pussy ass little bitch queer. Letting slappers run loose because he believes they have value and an actual reason to exist. Whores have no value, they are worthless, and anyone who has paid one deserves to die of syphilis and AIDs. The fact pussified soyboy cucks like him continue to exist on the same planet as me makes me sick to my ass.

We are not the same.

P.s keep downvoting me. that wont change the truth.
p.p.s. cry harder
