that b*tch of a mother, seriously - i said it - his father might be an abusive f*cker that uses his fists

estar May 14, 2024 12:44 am

but the mother is far worse, she such a manipulative b*tch(!) that gaslights anyone she can. as an adult living in that country she knows how kids have been brain washed into showing respect regardless if adults deserves that respect - especially when they the parents.
she got at Haejoon's insecurities in a blink, succeeding in shutting him down where i doubt anything Eunyung's dad wouldn't done, would've.

& i love Juwan but he should've stayed out of it. someone needs not only to stand-up to those 2 pieces of sh*t, someone needs to offer moral & psychical support to Eunyung. show that they will not only stand beside him but fight for him.

now (sadly) Eunyung sees no other out, then doing something that will finally put an end to the relationship between him & those 2. am pretty sure like others (considering the poster at the start of the chapter) we get what he is gonna do & it's terrifying not cause i give two shits about his parents. but i am worried how it will destroy Eunyung's life

    Bobbington May 14, 2024 3:55 am

    I want him to kill his dad but I also want him to get away with it.

    estar May 14, 2024 7:24 am
    I want him to kill his dad but I also want him to get away with it. Bobbington

    u think his mother will allow him to walk away scot-free after he does it? she is worse, wayyyyyy worse then the father IMHO

    & i don't want him to kill them, cause that will not just destroy his life (as in prison) but it will damage his soul - cause u can't be the same human after u kill another human (regardless if they deserve it or not). so i hope he is just going to scare them so much they wont ever try & contact him, cause they will be afraid of what he might do...