Yoo it's supposed to be getting an update on yesterday? What's happening I wanna see potat...

Keiji May 13, 2024 5:09 pm

Yoo it's supposed to be getting an update on yesterday? What's happening I wanna see potato ╥﹏╥

    Safety Advocate May 14, 2024 1:38 am
    y'all needa stop with the MD impersonating accs. atp ur the problem Dolly

    If the MD impersonating stop, it will not stop the problem. It’s clear that despite our efforts, the individual in question (your friend) continues to engage in harmful behavior, including impersonation and spreading misinformation. This persistent harassment has created an unjustifiable situation for MD and our group.

    Harassment by cyberstalkers must cease immediately. Their actions have consistently been the source of conflict, preventing open and honest dialogue about the ongoing issues. MD and our friends have faced continuous harassment, yet we have not instigated these problems. Currently, we are focused on sharing our experiences and raising awareness about the cyberstalkers behavior, which shows no signs of abating. I don't think he will listen to you.

    The rationale behind their actions makes no sense most of the time, and while their past experiences may have been challenging, it does not excuse their current behavior towards MD and our group. The actions taken against us are neither justified nor acceptable. We sincerely hope that the individual seeks the necessary support to address and heal from their past, rather than continuing this cycle of attack and defamation against MD.

    The cyberstalker must seek resolution and healing for whatever has led them to this point of distressing and unacceptable conduct. Abuse in any form is intolerable, and MD certainly did not deserve such treatment—no one does. While we appreciate your attempts to intervene, it’s crucial to recognize the gravity of the situation and not downplay the experiences of those who have been targeted. We have always been on the receiving end of this issue, not the cause.

    Dolly May 14, 2024 4:30 am
    If the MD impersonating stop, it will not stop the problem. It’s clear that despite our efforts, the individual in question (your friend) continues to engage in harmful behavior, including impersonation and s... Safety Advocate

    I don't mean to sound like a bitch to you but this mother fucker is not my friend. I'm not associating with people who do this bullshit no matter who's fucking side it is. Atp I'm on NOBODY'S side. If I see people starting some bs I'm gonna tell them to cut it the fuck out I don't give a fuck what side it is.

    Safety Advocate May 14, 2024 2:38 pm
    I don't mean to sound like a bitch to you but this mother fucker is not my friend. I'm not associating with people who do this bullshit no matter who's fucking side it is. Atp I'm on NOBODY'S side. If I see peo... Dolly

    "Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It seems we’ve had a bit of a misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to imply that you were directly connected to the fake profile. My point was that you might know the person responsible for creating it, as they seem to have confided in a few others—were you not one of the people they reached out to?

    I noticed there might be some association between you and them. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15971368/ and there was another thread with them talking to you and it came across as if they were talking about a dear friend.

    I would advise caution in this association, especially since there have been multiple instances where they have made deeply concerning statements and claimed to be a pedophile on multiple occasions. For your own safety, it might be best to distance yourself from this individual.

    In situations like these, there are various roles people might play, from those actively involved in harassment to those who are targeted, and even those who stand by or attempt to intervene.

    The 'sides" are 1) "cyberstalkers/harassers", 2) "The targets", 3) "the innocent bystanders", 4) "The ones that ignore the harassment", 5) "The one that intervenes". 6) "the sadistic one that are enjoying the cyberstalkers harass people" and I could be forgetting a few.
    If we were to make it two sides. "The aggressors who wants only their opinions here" and "The targets who defended a rape survivor and many others" as it has been since July.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 14, 2024 7:02 pm

    Just like I defended a real rape victim here https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15983856/?page=5 as well as the user belovedrose who the cyberstalkers accuse of being my alts. Please tell me their real accounts please I am begging you. As I have never formed a real friendship I cannot tell if you are a dear friend with them or not. It seems to me a reply that isn't insulting someone = close friendship. Please spill their username or government name. I need to know my troll's personal information.

    Dolly May 15, 2024 1:07 am
    "Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It seems we’ve had a bit of a misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to imply that you were directly connected to the fake profile. My point was that you might know the person... Safety Advocate

    Someone named bailey bot reached out to me one time in messages. I do not know who is making these fake profiles nor will I point finger. These mother fuckers can eat this

    BaileyBot May 15, 2024 1:45 am

    I reached out to Dolly. She was not affiliated with any of the trolls and was not aware of the clones until then. The fact that they still insist Dolly is friends with the trolls just shows that his grudge is still alive and strong. Be careful, Dolly. He knows you're a minor and he now believes you're open to communicating with him. This is how pedos operate. They convince you that they are safe, wear down your defenses, and sneak their nasty ahh in.

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 2:10 am


    Please be advised that there have been individuals engaging in cyberstalking and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

    It has come to our attention that multiple accounts are impersonating those targeted, with one instance involving an attempt to falsely label a user in a highly inappropriate manner. The motivations behind such actions are unclear, but they underscore the need for healing and resolution.

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 2:19 am
    Someone named bailey bot reached out to me one time in messages. I do not know who is making these fake profiles nor will I point finger. These mother fuckers can eat this Dolly

    I don't know why Baileybot reached out or tried to frame many people.

    It’s essential that we address the serious nature of false allegations and the impact they have on individuals. The narrative that has been presented by Baileybot is not only incorrect but also harmful. It’s crucial to differentiate between legitimate concerns and baseless accusations designed to provoke and mislead.

    We hold no grudges and wish to clarify that the behavior attributed to us does not reflect our values or actions. We were determining who is behind the fake accounts that has a grudge against us as they trying to frame many of us. The comparison made by Baileybot is unfounded and offensive, and it’s important to recognize that such statements can have real-world consequences.

    We urge everyone to approach these claims with a critical eye and seek the truth rather than accepting unfounded assertions. Our priority remains to foster a safe and respectful environment for all involved parties..

    BaileyBot May 15, 2024 2:39 am

    I'm fine with the dms being shown. I reached out to Dolly because you creeps named and shamed her in your albums and posted links to her comments where people could find her. You created a dangerous situation where a minor could be found and harassed and potentially groomed. Dolly deserved to know in case more pedos found her through you creeps. You pedos are gross and it's clear what your agenda was by publicly outing a minor.

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 3:01 am

    We take the safety and privacy of all community members seriously, and it’s never our intention to create an environment where anyone feels at risk. The claims of ‘outing’ a minor and creating a situation for potential harassment are serious and we want to clarify that this was never our agenda. Our actions were aimed at stopping harassment, not perpetuating it.

    It’s important to address the use of the term ‘pedophile.’ This is a legal and clinical term that should be used with caution and only in appropriate contexts. Accusations of such nature are grave and should not be made lightly or without substantiated evidence.

    We believe that open and honest communication is key to resolving misunderstandings. However, the current discourse has devolved into name-calling and unfounded accusations, which is not conducive to a constructive resolution. We advocate for a respectful dialogue that seeks to understand rather than to accuse.

    In moving forward, we hope to focus on healing and rebuilding trust within the community, rather than engaging in harmful rhetoric. We remain committed to fostering a safe space for all members and resolving conflicts with empathy and understanding

    BaileyBot May 15, 2024 3:13 am

    Chatgpt ahh responses. You finally learned how to use AI to fix your shitty English. Congrats grandpa

    Safety Advocate May 15, 2024 3:48 am

    AI is a tool that many people use to enhance their communication, much like spellcheck or grammar tools. It’s not about pretending to write in a certain way; it’s about ensuring clarity and effectiveness in our messages. The focus should be on the content of the discussion, not the methods used to refine it. Let’s direct our energy towards constructive conversation and understanding each other better.
    AI is a valuable tool that helps many people enhance their language skills and express themselves more effectively. It’s all about continuous learning and growth, no matter the age or starting point.
    We believe that open and honest communication is key to resolving misunderstandings. However, the current discourse has devolved into name-calling and unfounded accusations, which is not conducive to a constructive resolution. We advocate for a respectful dialogue that seeks to understand rather than to accuse.

    it's important to remember that people who resort to name-calling and insults usually do so out of their own insecurities ignorance. We also don't engage with individual who make us uncomfortable and trying to frame others. We have repeatedly requested that Baileybot discontinue her communication with us. Despite our clear communication since March, she persists in engaging with us through name-calling and unfounded accusations, which we categorically deny. We seek no interaction and have expressed this unequivocally. It is our hope that we move towards a peaceful resolution

    Dolly May 15, 2024 4:15 am

    Yeah I really have nothing to say about this but, if any fucking trolls (when i say trolls i mean the mfs with the impersonating accs) say I know them or are friends with them tell me cuz im gonna go ape fucking shit on them I am DONE

    Keiji May 15, 2024 4:22 am

    Yea I'm on the wrong here , i should've deleted my question when I sensed it's getting out of hand (⊙…⊙ ) peace' y'all

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 15, 2024 2:25 pm
    Chatgpt ahh responses. You finally learned how to use AI to fix your shitty English. Congrats grandpa BaileyBot

    Yeah they've turned from headache to read to unreadable cause it isn't even him talking so no point in reading Also dolly knew of MD way before me so she knows he's full of bs. idk how MD came to the conclusion she was partaking in the trolling when she literally said months ago that she's fed up with all of us

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 15, 2024 2:26 pm

    Worse is he really thinks anyone will believe his ''it's essential that'' ah chatgpt essays are not ai generated

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 15, 2024 2:29 pm
    Yeah I really have nothing to say about this but, if any fucking trolls (when i say trolls i mean the mfs with the impersonating accs) say I know them or are friends with them tell me cuz im gonna go ape fuckin... Dolly

    No one but MD assumed you knew me He'll assume anyone who is against him even if they don't like my spam is me/a friend of mine/ a troll