Ignore I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 3:36 pm
He is a cyberstalker impersonating the real MD. ( I am not the real MD). Look at the creation dates.
10/7/2024 = the real MD
2/10/2024 and 2/21/2024 are the cyberstalkers impersonating her.
My account is 2/17/2024. I am impersonating her but I am defending her.
The cyberstalkers claimed they are trolling and we are hypersensitive troll victims but they are not telling the truth.
Ignore them as they will gaslight you and use rage bait for you to hate the real users. 99.9 % is all a lie. It is part of their “troll” aka harassment on a few people.
next season will probably start with that horse's sob story
be prepared