Wait am I the dickhead lmfao bc I totally am A dickhead but idk if I’m THE dickhead ur referring to but if you wanna know why its because I have a personal grudge against the author of this gawd AWFUL webtoon and I continue to read it so I can hone my hating skills weekly. Like this author exists on another plane of existence with their non-existent writing logic, beginning with writing a character as an unapologetic r@pist - which, plot wise - the violent multi day kidnapped r@pe was NOT necessary.
Like I thought we as a society were past using r@pe as character trauma instead of something that’s actually forgivable like tax evasion, petty theft, gas lighting, being a cheater even, because r@pe is just one of those things you write for characters who you don’t want the audience to forgive and making a love interest a r@pist in anything other than a psychological horror story is UNHINGED and bad writing because now you’re shipping a victim with their abuser as if your story is sponsored by Stockholm syndrome and gaslighting. But even after that, the author is currently having both love interests exist as the lowest scum of society (alpha is worse, not that a competition between two sentient shit-clogged toilets means anything, but there’s an obvious worse mega-shit clogged toilet between the two).
Like the author advertises this as a love triangle which - again - I thought we as a society moved past (nothing wrong with a throuple in the year of our lord and savior - by which I mean lady Gaga as Harley Quinn - 2024) but this author took ‘insufferable miscommunication love triangle’ and perfected the art of making a long-hated over-used trope WORSE. None of the characters are likable, and I don’t mean that in the sense of something like Bojack Horseman, Succession, veep, the sopranos, where they’re intentionally written to be flawed and unlikable, this author tries (and fails, miserably) to make these characters flawed but wants them to be sympathetic which is a hard line to walk, and they sprint right off of that line the second they write the alpha as an unapologetic r@pist while intending for him to be sympathetic - someone the audience roots for - because of his ~past trauma~.
Not every flawed character deserves or NEEDS a redemption, I love an insane unhinged unapologetic villain as much as the next bisexual, but there are things that you do not have a character do if you intend for them to be redeemed or want them to be viewed favorably. One is child @buse and two is r@pe, probably followed by torture of others.
Like this story stopped being romance or drama and became a psychological horror the SECOND the alpha kidnapped and r@ped the beta for days keeping him chained to a bed, and the author is infuriatingly glazing over that (entirely unnecessary event, the alpha could’ve just yelled at the beta and hurt him, it’s near impossible to justify the necessity of violent r@pe to ANY plot, and the overuse of non/dub-con in BL and yaoi in general is gross) to try and write a yearning pathetic ‘come back to me beta, I promise the next time I ignore consent we’ll be boyfriends and not just fuckbuddies, please allow me to have an unhealthy codependent relationship with you so we can be mentally unstable together’ arc to steer the plot back to romance somehow.
WOW this became long. TLDR:// This author is to me what Drake is to Kendrick, I AM their biggest hater.
No amount of backstory and redemption ark can undone the damage both the alpha and the omega has caused.
Ofc the beta will leave the omega after learning the truth about him.
Hope he leaves both of them and find happiness.