lol i think you didn't get it right.
that person probably can only read yaoi with rape if it's like that - when it ends up with love and not if the rape is represented as real rape. many readers are like that, probably the "yaoi rape" doesn't affect them emotionally like the "real" rape. it's fiction and people here need to accept that some people are ok with that kind of plot.
and if that person meant in real life that's just fucked up
i'm sometimes annoyed when i see really mean comments toward users or characters just because they didn't act like the reader in question wanted. (and it's usually posted by girls around the age of 12 xD)

and what you did right now is kinda mean
that person is entitled to their own opinion and you shouldn't insult them

lmao you're contradicting yourself i don't really understand your point... from any point of view killing stalking IS fucked up that's a fact,, it doesn't necessarily means it's bad, just that it's fucked up.

the way you have written it is insulting. that's the problem

Like nah i dont mean theyre dumb and all but for me its Just annoying how they go all about how u CANT ship them and how it Destroyed them. I mean after first 3-2 chapters you could stop. I dont question theyre age like i mean im still 13 after all :') but u can still be smart enough to know by the title. ┗( T﹏T )┛

It was not one of those comments at the bottom, but the top ones with only the (agree) next to it, but without a (disagree) or (reply) option. I dont really care if people want to dig up my comments to repost on the front page - I stand by everything I have posted. They are free to revile it, as I am free to defend it. People talk about their personal problems on the front page, fangirl about Yuri on Ice & BTS, bitch about Trump on the front page, so whatever. At least my comment is related to Mangago.

i already replied to your later post, but seriously i think you guys are the one with a problem. rape shouldn't be good. ever. idc if it's "just somebody's opinion" or just "yaoi-fied rape". if they think rape is good even if the rapist and victim end up together, they're fucking retards. they could be "i think that rape is bad, but, like, if they both happy, we can forgive the rapist maybe." but no, they said that rape was OK. like it's totally fine to rape someone then get together with them. it's literally saying that rape is ok as long you get together with the person like you didn't just fucking rape them. these types of people deserve to get called out. if you don't call them out, nothing can be or will get done about this god damn cancer of a mindset.
(btw, enjoying it and condoning are totally different things. i enjoy reading it, but i sure as hell know it's wrong and would never want it to happen in real life. just getting it out there in case it somehow randomly pops up like it usually does.)

last anon here
tbh i didn't read it until the last chapters (i tried but i'm too sensitive to read this kind of things haha) and yea true i don't see the point of reading it if you don't like it!! i don't judge ppl who read it, i mean it's probably a very good quality manhwa in terms of plot/art/whatever u want (i added the probably since i didn't read it entirely)... oh but i do judge ppl who romanticize their relationship :0

But its fiction and the min thing i like about it is how the both characters are psycho in some way but still in this ill relationship is something more than the issues of characters. Like you know its wrong and dont want it to happen in real life but you like to See how the characters will end up. Maybe they Cure themselves? Maybe that Sangwoo will be a Yandere? Idk thats why i like the story and why i romanticize the relationship cause u never know.
I just found the contender for Most-Stupidass-Comment-On-Mangago----
"Rape is only good (to me) when the one who rapes ends up with the one raped."
^^^What the fuck? So what if you're raped by some nasty old geezer, you should end up with him? ...Sorry, I just had to vent on the front page... so uh, what other dumbass comments have you guys seen?