Now you see the conversation he had with the beta, this is how the misunderstanding could ...

Paola May 12, 2024 9:09 pm

Now you see the conversation he had with the beta, this is how the misunderstanding could have been solved. This is all so stupid, the revenge is stupid, I love the bottom but that Mido or so, gotta go into the trashcan. He's so dumb and the one who wrote this story too, you could have served the usual plot where he is a psycho because he was abused or bullied by the bottom like in Placebo, or sadistic beauty Bl, or just for no reason, like in No reason. But Nooooo you gotta serve us this trashy backstory as an excuse for the top to rape the bottom, and the worse is he will forgive him because he feels guilty. Trash gotta drop this shit here ewww. I would say that I prefer Placebo, at least there we can tell he's a psycho , but here he just rapes him for no reason and keeps hanging on , on that excuse " He abandoned me", stupid one at that. Bitch fuck off, get over it.

    Akiraa_ May 13, 2024 1:41 am

    Bruh even in Placebo it doesn’t work cuz okay the big brother is trash and literally hates his little brother for no real reason. But that doesn’t justify all the rape and abuse the big brother is getting right now ( and has gotten in the past too, with the bullying and all that ). I mean, we could just say that Eugene is a psychopath too, maybe not psychopath but definitely not very sane in mind.
    And the manhwa, No Reason you mentioned is even more trash than this manhwa lmao. Like what, the uke just has Stockholm syndrome and is trying to live a normal life with his "lover" but his "lover" just keeps drugging him and making him a drug & sex addict.

    Paola May 13, 2024 4:03 am

    That's exactly why I said to "serve us the usual plot". Raping for no reason rather than actually putting some trashy backstory and say 'Ok with this he can rape him and it's justified'.

    Paola May 13, 2024 4:07 am
    Bruh even in Placebo it doesn’t work cuz okay the big brother is trash and literally hates his little brother for no real reason. But that doesn’t justify all the rape and abuse the big brother is getting r... Akiraa_

    That's is why I said I prefer Placebo because there they don't wanna justify, we all know he's just raping him but here they wanna justify it by putting that backstory which is actually even worse.

    Akiraa_ May 13, 2024 10:28 pm
    That's is why I said I prefer Placebo because there they don't wanna justify, we all know he's just raping him but here they wanna justify it by putting that backstory which is actually even worse. Paola

    Maybe what the author wanted to do is to "justify" the raping but I feel like the back story is just to tell us why Eugene became the way he is, and to show us how the mc and Eugene are related. I mean, it’s just to build a story, but a badly written one

    Akiraa_ May 13, 2024 10:36 pm
    That's is why I said I prefer Placebo because there they don't wanna justify, we all know he's just raping him but here they wanna justify it by putting that backstory which is actually even worse. Paola

    And I feel like in Placebo, there’s still kind of a "justification" of the rape cuz the author often shows the moments the big brother was being agressive and mean towards his lil brother, and these moments led the lil brother to rape him so it kinda feels like "yeah both are in the wrongs, but I mean the big brother is mean to his lil bro for no reason so he kinda deserves to be tormented a little" which is a despicable way of thinking ( and probably how the seme is thinking when doing these horrible things to him )