I know right? It's the self-righteousness for me. It's funny how some people here bash cheating more than SA. Like 99.99% of BL is full of SA where the abuser and the abused end up together. Where people here are quick to "forget" and forgive the SA because of some bullshit misunderstanding between the main characters. Not that I'm condoning cheating, it's one of the worst things to go through (speaking from experience). But, someone once told me: "whatever hell you think you're going through just remember it could always be worst." And I personally find SA far worse than cheating.

You disrespectful bastard I'll watch and read what the f*** I want and if you don't like it shove it up your f****** bun hole turn it around and Shove It deeper out of your mouth how's that besides that's like you need to be putting in your place now if you want to leave another message please do so because I enjoy idiots like you I am a argumentative b**** after all
I mean these two are the worst. First his boyfriend, trying to justify his action still and tell me how some like a father. no it's not like a father you're just a piece of s*** and so is his mother. Even if you didn't know that you were sleeping with your son's boyfriend, or you didn't know you were sleeping with your boyfriend's mother you knew you were f****** up a relationship and hiding the fact that you are a cheating piece of s***. you should be ashamed of yourselves if y'all end up together I'm dropping this s***