This is a great love triangle and story telling because Jo's personality and history are the opposite of TJ and Ian. When you put him in same plotline as TJ and Ian, makes him the most unpredictable out of three of them. His "difference" is what makes him unpredictable and also brought a new colour dynamic to the Wet Sand world which makes the story even more exciting, thrilling and interesting when you paired him with TJ and Ian. It's like two world colliding together.
Jo as a character is still a mystery compared to Ian and TJ who we have seen a lot about their past, glimpse of their highest and lowest moments, how they handle being in a criminal world however we know nothing about Jo in that respect. TJ and Ian already entered their dark phase and we as readers, will get to see it first hand from Jo's pov. The Wet sand world is cruel for people like Jo. In order for them to survive they have to get into the cruel world. This story will not end without three of them

Jo is the Orion/the hunter and he will be the one to jump into the dangerous life. The story will not come to an end without the involvement of Ian, Jo and TJ. Also, there's more to Jo than what he and the readers had presumed about himself. Everyone has a dark side. It’s just that for people like TJ, it comes out easy as if second nature & for people like Jo, it stays repressed until it hits that breaking point & can no longer stay hidden. So sooner or later, that side will come out of Jo. It’s just a matter of time. At first Jo was reluctant to cut open than rabbit but later he successfully did when he was only 10 years old. He used to be a NFL player. They naturally possesses an aggressive demeanour. He didn't face any situation that challenge him to see who he truly is and what he's capable of since he leads a normal and happy life. I think Jo's character highlights and self discovery will be when he's next to Jamie (main villain). Remember, Chiwoon thought Jamie's men are circling Ian but Jo they are interested in. Jamie wants Jo.

Wow you examined this perfectly and said what many don't think of regarding Jo character, I think you need make your own comment about this so others can see it and realize how Jo is character that will balance out the story as he's very unpredictable compared to Ian and tj. His pov would change many aspects to the story as he's not just black or white.
This doesn't feel like a love triangle. More like a toxic couple on a break and a fool trying to get in between them.
I don't get me wrong Im rooting for Jo but I just think he's in the wrong manhwa. Born to slice of life uni BL forced to thriller gangster BL.