jinjoo almost got killed an sexually assaulted while her husband was doing god knows what and you guys expect her to be mentally okay?? she doesn't even think of divorce as an option because of the church. I hope she gets over it and realizes she also loves doyeon
I guess you don’t give af about Doyeon because she’s catching hella strays rn. She is giving and is expected to give unconditional love and devotion to Jinjoo and Jinjoo is demanding it and enjoys it without giving any emotional security to Doyeon. Jinjoo has been doing this since the first couple of chapters. She’s always been twisted af. Reread ch 20 and 21 and tell me she doesn’t get off of dominating people. Is it fine that she hella projects the 23 years of adult marriage and the bullshit that it brought on Doyeon? Is it fair? How are you giving this 40 year old so much leeway and understanding about her sinister and abusive behaviour? Do people who have gone through trauma have free license to be pieces of shit to everyone around them?????
I guess you don’t give af about Doyeon because she’s catching hella strays rn. She is giving and is expected to give unconditional love and devotion to Jinjoo and Jinjoo is demanding it and enjoys it withou... toastyBooksAndTea
yeah nvm I forgot what I wanted to white, you're onto something but that doesn't mean jinjoo is a horrible abuser leiasbones
She is horrible, she may not be an abuser but she does display emotionally abusive behaviour like turning an innocent gesture of Doyeon tying her sister’s shoes into a control thing and declaring she owns her and making sure she behaves in a way that is is only submissive towards her.
She is horrible, she may not be an abuser but she does display emotionally abusive behaviour like turning an innocent gesture of Doyeon tying her sister’s shoes into a control thing and declaring she owns her... toastyBooksAndTea
jinjoo almost got killed an sexually assaulted while her husband was doing god knows what and you guys expect her to be mentally okay?? she doesn't even think of divorce as an option because of the church. I hope she gets over it and realizes she also loves doyeon