Call me crazy

▪Square▪ May 12, 2024 12:27 am

I don't hate the older bro just yet u know
Definitely not now and not in the future either
He's just ur typical I know better when he actually doesn't, rather than a simple sob
Soooo I think he can be redeemed
And I kinda want to see him as the second couple with this black haired guy cuz his toxic personality is just super delicious

    ayayayayaaas May 12, 2024 1:59 am

    are my eyes deceiving me or you really said that? the dude's a total freakshow and bound to be a killer in the future. your head is so f-ed up or what? like what is your thought process here? you need to wake up.

    Classy May 12, 2024 3:55 am

    the older brother literally use guilt trippin and brainwash his brother… you can see how much miserable mc was and how much insecure he was whenever he see his brother

    yanderevitamin May 12, 2024 5:34 am
    are my eyes deceiving me or you really said that? the dude's a total freakshow and bound to be a killer in the future. your head is so f-ed up or what? like what is your thought process here? you need to wake u... ayayayayaaas

    real. like i'm seing this everywhere theyre siding the older brother despite having this borderline obssession towards the younger brother ppl are nuts !!!