??? have you just been closing your eyes for all the parts where she observes him acting differently from how he used to? actions he takes unprovoked, WITHOUT direct personal benefit? they promised not to get physical from the start, it was a MUTUAL agreement. he *started* seeing her as attractive bc of some displaced memories of their past life, which were sexual, yeah, but the fact he didn't immediately act on it and try to seduce her or change their agreement shows that he values that agreement more than his own horny. that's not how someone acts just for a chase. and by this point, it's so clear that the reason he's attracted to her is her courage, grace, and personality - things she developed because of her difficult first life. so no, the situation isn't different just because her master isn't in her place. SALLY is different, she's an active participant in her circumstances, with enough information to take control of them. and she forgives him not bc he finds her hot, but despite it.
60+ chapters in and barely anything is happening. And its obvious the only reason he likes FL now is because she’s not in love with him and he’s not used to women not fawning over him. He hasn’t changed from the same person he was before she regressed. He just wants to fuck her now out of lust instead of using his dick to trick her into agreeing to live in his hellhouse, be tortured and neglected all for his plan to fail and her end up dead.
He is still that same man and has done nothing to show any character growth other than lusting after FL more openly. Had it been FLs master sent to him in the beginning, she would have went through the same things as FL in the past.
He has done nothing to prove himself a better man than he was and it’s annoying seeing FL slowly forgive him just bc he finds her hot now.