I wanna assume he has an endless supply of spare keys. Like a drawer in his room overflowi...

serari February 8, 2017 3:05 am

I wanna assume he has an endless supply of spare keys. Like a drawer in his room overflowing like a natural spring.

    Salamin March 7, 2017 4:32 pm

    i can imagine that with his character(≧∀≦)

    Taphel May 13, 2017 10:54 am

    Well if he still has the mold of the orignal key he can make as many as he wants.
    So it's kind of useless confiscating every copy he makes.

    modragon May 23, 2017 8:43 pm

    easier solution would be to change the locks. Then all the spare keys in world wouldn't matter.