idk I think skylar was saying things he knew would hurt cirrus to get back at him, like breaking up and not liking cirrus. Skylar still values his relationship with chan who is important to him because of how much he helped skylar when he wasn’t doing well mentally. plus I think the whole point of that scene with skylar and chan was to show skylar still cares abt chan, but he has someone else he prioritizes so he's not going to continue acting the way he used to with chan. Cirrus walking in and throwing the drink at skylar right when he was refusing to hangout with chan shows he not talking things out and immediately lashing out at skylar because he feels insecure. not saying that intentionally hurting your partner with their weaknesses is any better to get back at him, but cirrus is manipulative sometimes, blocking chan's # when skylar has paranoia abt whether people find him annoying man I get how he was mad. I think it comes down to which character you relate towards more cuz I see things more through skylar's perspective which is why I get upset when cirrus makes skylar’s anxiety worse abt his friends leaving him. cirrus’s anxiety of skylar leaving is is valid too, but they have to talk about ways cirrus can let skylar know he feels anxious that doesn’t result in an attack on skylar, and skylar has to know that when cirrus is lashing out, don’t at fire to the flames and get back at him because you feel hurt, they high schoolers in their first relationship so hopefully they can work through this kinda stuff moving on

There's Cirrus hurling stuff at Skylar and deleting Chan-il's number from his phone without consulting him, and you hate Skylar?
Skylar may be far from perfect with his insecurities and stuff but the toxic one right now is Cirrus. Skylar is literally traumatised from what happened back in middle school, and Cirrus is bringing one stuff up after the other. Skylar might still have some lingering feelings for Chan-il because they don't just evaporate overnight when you have culminated them for so long, but there's no way Skylar means what he said. He has been portrayed as short tempered from the very start. So its just the anger speaking I think.
Also it's a relation between a traumatised and a neglected human being. It's going just how it is supposed to. Just because Skylar knows what happened with Cirrus doesn't mean he can throw away his own personality to cater to Cirrus.They are both fighting their own ghosts... so hopefully things turn out good in the end.

U do know how their rs developed n skylar does gen love cirrus, cirrus was js his second choice and made it as he settled w him. I feel like the way he said that was wrong yes, but looking into it in 3rd perspective, skylar also says cirrus makes him anxious, also can we bring up how cirrus lit brought up skylars past? They were BOTH in the wrong, no defending those two.

Both actually fucked up , both have their wrongs and rights , but in this situation my feelings goes for Cirrus . Cirrus acted on his emotions bcz he caught Skylar and Chan talking without having any clue and you made mention of his insecurities, his insecurities are towards his relationship, and if you are insecure in your relationship, it’s bcz of your partner who doesn’t give you tte priority or demonstrates more love , care and attention and we can both agree on this that Skylar has fail to do so since they’ve started dating , that’s why Cirrus is insecure and let husband emotions take over his thinking. If Skylar was acting as a lover to Cirrus , Cirrus will be in trust , even when he sees him with Chan , bcz it’s not the first time Cirrus sees Chan and Skylar chatting together but this time for Cirrus it was too much for him to handle , Patience has a limit , don’t forget this. Talking of his manipulative side , it’s bcz Cirrus secures his relationship and he is aware deeper in him the feelings of Skylar towards Chan , bro is not dumb lol ! He knows even if Skylar tells him « I love you Cirrus » , Skylar didn’t forget Chan already, and that was confirm on this chapter, so I’m sorry but my boy Cirrus did delete and block Chan bcz he only wanted to put Chan away from Skylar so that feeling of Skylar for Chan should go , and any of in relationship will have acted in a similar way; not delete in secret may be but tell our lover to avoid sneaking around their ex lover, flirt or crush to avoid a triangle love. Cirrus is just in love with skylar , that’s the explanation of all his actions and Skylar fails to give that love to Cirrus , which gives birth to an insecure Cirrus.

insecurities in relationships don’t happen because your partner doesn’t “try hard enough” or love you enough. skylar doesn’t HAVE TO be as obsessed with cirrus to the point of toxicity. esp in a 3 week relationship. if ur extremely insecure to the point of manipulating, isolating and physically hurting ur partner then you shouldn’t be in a relationship in the first place.

To be fair, if he still has lingering feelings, it definitely seems like to Cirrus that he’s being used as a second choice. And why confess to Cirrus if he still has lingering feelings?
But I don’t think Skylar likes Chan-il anymore, it was more of an infatuation or something because he looked like Minwoo, the dude he loved before.

And that’s why I hope to see Skylar opening up more and communicating instead of being distant in a way. But everyone takes time to heal differently so I wouldn’t force Skylar, it’s up to him. I just hope he will say it to Cirrus one day so Cirrus doesn’t think he’s hiding the relationship because it’s not worth it.
Cirrus doesn’t know about his trauma and Skylar isn’t ready to say. That’s one problem. I think hating Skylar is too far because his reaction is valid; but I do HATE that he resorted to violence. Yes Cirrus did throw a van at him, but readers forget that Skylar has a habit of hitting Cirrus and it’s brushed off for comedic purposes even before this.
Both are wrong. Both apologized in future chapters. I hope things go well for them. Skylar doesn’t deserve to be suffocated by a possessive love, and Cirrus deserves to receive the affection he never got.

Cirrus threw one can at him and readers go batshit crazy but we forget that Skylar has a habit of physically hitting Cirrus even before this, but it’s brushed off as comedic purposes.
Skylar doesn’t have to be obsessed and I agree with you! But I hope one day he opens up just like Cirrus opened up to him and shared his past and let his emotions out, I want Skylar to rely on Cirrus for emotional support, I want Skylar to have at least one person for that.
Both aren’t ready to be in a relationship. Readers forget they are just teens with mental health issues. Both are redeemable.

i mean the topic contains physical so ofc i’m gonna point that out? what u said is also a problem but cirrus still did hit him tho.
cirrus blackmails and tries to manipulate skylar for an entire season and a half and nobody bats an eye but the moment skylar very rightfully doesn’t share a piece of extremely triggering information about his past and readers go batshit crazy.
i also hope he opens up but he’s by no means in the wrong for not opening up until he feels ready. i hope he opens up and gets the emotional support from cirrus that i know he can give to skylar.

Exactly. The topic contains physical but you only talked about Cirrus throwing one can at him. Why not talk about Skylar’s habit of physically hitting his partner even before all of this?
Ain’t no way you just said nobody bats an eye at Cirrus blackmailing and manipulating, cause majority of fans are literally calling that out. Look in the comment sections and other websites. Nobody is blind.
And nobody is mad that Skylar didn’t share his past, they’re just waiting for him to one day so his partner will know the truth and won’t feel like it’s because Skylar dislikes him and wants to hide their relationship. But it’s because of the trauma he wants to hide their relationship.

Ig you’ve never been in a relationship to say this . Not showing love, care , reassurance Andy care creates insecurities for your partner in y’all both relationship. If you do not love your partner in a way he or she wants , what do you expect from him or her return ? Adores you like a god even if you treat them like shit ? Sorry but no. And you saying cirrus is toxic shows how you don’t observe the story on the two sides , bcz Skylar has become one of the reasons of Cirrus’s toxicity. Cirrus has Skylar as the only person he loves and expect love from , at least Skylar can count on his family. Cirrus is left alone and except much Skylar . If you can say cirrus shouldn’t be in a relationship bcz of the way he is , then Skylar too shouldn’t date a person he can’t emotionally satisfy or shouldn’t be in a relationship when he isn’t ready to be proud of it bcz bro is mentally ill and scare of what happened to him in the past to happen again .

because it has been said. do i need to parrot every single other talking point?
be for real omg the majority of the comments while earlier chapters were being released (where he was blackmailing skylar) was abt how hot cirrus was or shit like “ik he’s toxic but idc ” not many people seriously called it out or wrote think pieces like we are doing right now.
again… be for real. people are blaming skylar for not putting effort or not being open and honest with cirrus. not to mention that insinuating that skylar not sharing his past is what’s making cirrus act obsessive.

Hell yes!! Physical topic? Involve everyone that was physical. Also I wasn’t directing this to you but to everyone who’s been ignoring how he hits Cirrus physically. If I sounded harsh I apologize, not trying to argue with anyone lolol.
Girl those “ik he’s toxic but idc” happen in every damn BL story at least once or more. Like the comments “he’s a red flag but I’m colorblind”.
I am for real. Rather than effort, I think they meant that Skylar being distant is also hurting Cirrus in the process. Hiding relationships isn’t really nice, how long you gonna hide a relationship for? And Cirrus thinks he will leave one day so there’s no point in revealing their relationship.
If he knew about Skylar’s trauma, I think Cirrus would feel extremely sorry. It’s more of that Skylar not opening up to him is making him feel like he’s not worth relying on or something, but in Cirrus’s POV he does feel that hiding their relationship makes him think Skylar doesn’t love him enough.
And I think Skylar has been pretty honest with Cirrus aside from the past which it’s up to him to open up when HES READY. I don’t like the readers that act as if he has to, no, only when he’s ready.

Except that it’s not very few people. There’s many on bato that see him blackmailing per chapter and speak about that as well as here. New comments hide the older ones so yeah but as a reader since this came out, I can say for sure I’ve seen way too many people shitting on Cirrus for that (as he deserves)

I dunno.... Skylar has no intention of dating Chan-il , that's for sure. How do I say it? Feelings, affection... they don't just evaporate into thin air. Skylar's feelings... or "infatuation" as you called it, culminated over a long period of time. But it's not strong enough to call it love... and it's the same for Cirrus. Neither of them have reached the point of "love". They are still primarily thinking about themselves rather than about their partners.
Btw.... about the confession thing. I feel like its more because Skylar has come to care for Cirrus. Then again, it's a story. It changes depending on how you interpret it.
Sorry but now i hate Skylar. I always had this feeling that he had been using Cirrus bcz he couldn’t make it with Chan or dated him out of pity since he was left out alone , but I also told myself that may be I’m wrong and now it’s confirm. Cirrus needs someone better who truly loves him and can take care of him , Skylar is just acting like an indecisive woman who can’t choose between two men , or dates one bcz she got dump by the first Crush. Cirrus doesn’t deserve that . But ig the comic is main for them to be together at the end , and I just want Cirrus to be happy.