Ik you all don't like my opinion but i stand by it. It just boils my blood to see people act like that. If the classmates were nice people or maybe he was doing this to protect his friends or family secretly i would still get it but they're just bystanders who feel relieved when he's being bullied just because they get to live freely. They're all sacrificing one scapegoat for their peaceful lives instead of uniting and protecting him. Its like watching a woman live in an abusive relationship with her husband and in-laws, you pity her and sympathize but also hate it cause it opens the gateway for more such behavior in the society. I immerse myself as characters in the story so i get pissed off at such behavior cause it feels like I'm the one being treated like that and i feel helpless for not being able to protect myself.

??.... it opens the gateway for more such behavior in the society???? dude, do u know the concept of trauma? that kind of trauma that fucks u up till u feel like an insect when ur being treated less than a human and ur blaming it on him bc he opens a gateway???? bc he wasn't able to defend himself??? what? bc he didn't tell the teachers who doesn't give 2 shits???
and you be like: "why aren't u standing up for urself ur a allowing them to bully so it's your fault"
what the fuck r u right in the head : D

No way you didn't understand what i was conveying. Ofc i understand trauma and i have been bullied too so thats why i feel even more frustrated. I hoped to do something to fight back but i couldn't cause i was afraid and i get that, and the fact that even my close friends avoided me back then was what fucked the situation even more cause the reason i got bullied was related to my friends so when they also turned their backs on me i didn't know what to do. But i wasn't stupid to just let them do what they wanted and i left the school, let them deal with their mess themselves I'm not gonna be a part of that. And though I'm still afraid to face the bullies i still told everyone about this and made sure that the news reached the bullies' future acquaintances and reflected on their life. People are coward and I'm not saying it in a bad way but in a general human nature way but what we also have to do is not just accept it and let it overcome us but fight back in whatever way we can. And the mc is not doing anything, you're saying he should be allowing himself to be bullied because he is traumatised because of deatha of his friends/classmates? And then what? Die while being bullied and let someone else be traumatized and continue the cycle? The cycle doesn't end by doing that. And since this is a fictional work and its purpose is exactly bullies getting whooped in the ass i would prefer the ones being bullied doing that and the reason for that is my pure entertainment since this is meant for that. Leaving all the philosophical and psychological shit aside, i hate weak lowkey characters and love op flashy characters simply alright and that is my preference which i expressed in my comment. Shirayuki who is and will be beating their ass is more my type and the blackhaired one who needs the protection can stay that way as long as he doesn't come off on all the "don't fight its a bad thing" on my shirayuki. I rest my case
I kinda hate characters like the black haired mc, idk the fact that they let the bullies walk all over them pisses me off. Not only does it hurt for you but also for people who care about you. And the way you're letting the bullies go crazier just makes them think its alright to do these things and in the end you're just encouraging this behaviour which will create more victims which is exactly the opposite reason for what he's enduring all this shit for. These scenes of just enduring the bullies make my blood pressure rise so i think imma read the raws and skip to the parts where out shirayuki kicks their asses off.