Theorizing time?

DJP May 11, 2024 11:38 am

Okay, this chapter actually gave me an idea that is completely insane but it’s fun to speculate and think about. Again all speculation and I don’t actually think it’s true but I wanted to express the thoughts.

So, Minamoto called MC a maniac for thinking the world is BL. And obviously it’d be easy to say he’s just not as self aware as MC is. However, what if Minamoto is right? Think about, we mostly follow MC’s pov and from said view we are witness to all these BL troupes and instances. But, what if our MC is an unreliable narrator.

He discovered some time during school (either middle or high school I can’t remember) that this is a BL world and he noticed this because of multiple things like the guys being really attractive and all the girls faces are blurry.

That’s what he says, but what if and big if, the reason he sees things this way is because he isn’t attracted to girls and is attracted to guys. And his way of coming to this realization is complete denial and convincing himself it’s a BL world and that’s why he sees things this way.

I would also like to suggest that while yes he has met guys that were attracted to him there has been an instance where a girl also found him attractive. So if we’re gonna say that the world is throwing guys at him to be paired with then the world was also trying to pair him with a girl and it’s own fault it didn’t happen.

Now again, this is complete wild speculation and I don’t think it’s true since this is a comedy manga I don’t think anything like that is what’s happening. I just enjoying theorizing wild shit, it’s just fun for me.

    octosis May 11, 2024 11:56 am

    I enjoy this idea quite a lot!
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember a chapter where it was shown MC was so preoccupied thinking about how to avoid BL flags that he completely ignored girls who were interested in him? So I think it at least holds some water.

    My other idea is that maybe he's not entirely wrong about it being a BL world, but it might just be HIS world that's filled with BL to that degree. We've seen supernatural things happen, like the mindreader, so maybe the MC just has the power of BL and his presence trigger flags to happen lmao

    Rusofobníkocourek May 11, 2024 12:08 pm

    tbh i had the exactly same theory for a pretty
    long time while reading this manga so i don't think your speculation is completely "wild" lol

    DJP May 11, 2024 2:49 pm
    I enjoy this idea quite a lot! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember a chapter where it was shown MC was so preoccupied thinking about how to avoid BL flags that he completely ignored girls who were intereste... octosis

    To address your first point I recall that as well, it was when he got chocolates I believe.

    And as for your second point yeah that makes a lot of sense, because it is a very supernatural BL troupe filled world.

    DJP May 11, 2024 2:51 pm
    tbh i had the exactly same theory for a pretty long time while reading this manga so i don't think your speculation is completely "wild" lol (=・ω・=) Rusofobníkocourek

    Ah yeah, at the time it sounded more wild to me but thinking on it now it’s not that insane of an idea. I think I got caught up on it being a comedy manga so the author wouldn’t make a twist like that.