Inferna is mentally 28, where are y'all getting 40?? 18+10?? Lexi
just checked you're right, 18 before transmigration + limon was 7 when he did, so he's around 30... that's still quite old to be acting like he is though :/
just checked you're right, 18 before transmigration + limon was 7 when he did, so he's around 30... that's still quite old to be acting like he is though :/ squashed
Its in his character description. I def do get where you're coming from, though—i feel like he was more...mentally mature (?) as a baby dragon.
Infierna is a BIG ASS FUXKING DRAGON and TOO FUCKING GROWN TO BE ACTING THIS WAY. Like bitch stand up U like 40 yrs old bro in total