I know yall are not releasing this the day after I just bought all the chapters 😭😭�...

whalien May 11, 2024 3:38 am

I know yall are not releasing this the day after I just bought all the chapters come on

    asmiir_ May 11, 2024 3:42 am

    What happens omg

    whalien May 11, 2024 4:17 am
    What happens omg asmiir_

    Well the husband is very clearly a piece of shit. He yells at her for spending any bit of money on herself, but she finds out he is cheating on her by finding a receipt for an expensive perfume. The girl he’s cheating with tho doesn’t even like him, so it’s like one sided cheating. Like they don’t kiss or are sexually active with each other. He just deluded himself into thinking she was into him because she always accepted his gifts and was nice to him.

    He has this mentality that’s like, women have an expiration date but men don’t.

    Wife confronts him, at first denies and then he acts like this should be expected that he’d cheat. The wife also ends up finding tons and tons of receipts (idk why he kept all them lmao) of times he spent money on other women (yep, he was going after MULTIPLE women).

    Anyway, while all that’s going on, the wife is undergoing a mental glow up and getting her life together. She didn’t divorce him yet cuz she has to get herself set.

    The chapters aren’t fully uploaded so not sure how it ends yet.

    But also there’s this other guy that’s into the wife and he’s really sweet. The wife starts working for him to save up some money cuz her husband is useless.