Uh..... What the fuck happened ? They had a big fight and SO MANY THINGS should have been ...

BeepBopp May 11, 2024 2:38 am

Uh..... What the fuck happened ? They had a big fight and SO MANY THINGS should have been brought up. But they skipped all that... And BAM kissing and back like nothing happened....

What about Cirrus's anxiety about Chan iL ?
What about Skylar who was avoiding Chan il for Cirrus?
What about Skylar saying he liked Chan il ? (It seemed to be to hurt Cirrus but cant they atleast adress it ???)

Feels like we skipped like 3 chapter (IF NOT A WHOLE DAM ARC).... Also why would Chan il let Skylar go to the nurse with Cirrus ??? Shouldnt he go with Skylar considering Cirrus had just attacked Skylar???

The story is so good but this part..... Unbelievable

    Itzz_A_Trap May 11, 2024 2:44 am

    They had a fight, they got over it
    What's confusing about it?
    People tend to say alot of things when they're mad, they're both to blame for the fight and they both forgave each other for it and probably will not talk about it. Skylar didn't wanna reopen old wounds and Cirrus didn't wanna hurt Skylar that's that. It was a literal kiss and make up

    Roseanne May 11, 2024 2:45 am

    I think that's done on purpose. The author is building up the tension and all these small fights and the miscommunication are gonna blow over at some point. They haven't had a single real conversation about their issues as of yet and they won't do it it until its too late or after they have a huge fight about it. Don't forget that litc is a psychological bl so the relationship isn't healthy by all means and the couple consists of teenagers with mental trauma and issues. I don't think they know much about healthy communication

    shw98jsi2nw32h2uie3 May 11, 2024 2:55 am

    I agree with it being done on purpose for more plot but I also agree with you so much cause even with at least ONE ISSUE, they did not talk about it. They did not converse about it properly, Paksim should of at least made Cirrus talk about why he blocked Chan Il properly and not just out of jealousy to address his insecurities with Skylar's actions

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 3:02 am
    I think that's done on purpose. The author is building up the tension and all these small fights and the miscommunication are gonna blow over at some point. They haven't had a single real conversation about the... Roseanne

    It just makes me a bit worried how fast they got over it considering one just got beaten to the point of bleeding and the other snooped around his phone.

    Roseanne May 11, 2024 3:44 am
    It just makes me a bit worried how fast they got over it considering one just got beaten to the point of bleeding and the other snooped around his phone. HRAensn

    Not to sound like a parrot or anything but again it seems like that's the point. They themselves wanna forget about it so they just glossed over it and kissed the pain away lol. The miscommunication is done on purpose because it's one of their character traits/flaws. This is gonna impact them later because it seems their relationship is going downhill the more they try to act like nothing happened.

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 3:49 am
    Not to sound like a parrot or anything but again it seems like that's the point. They themselves wanna forget about it so they just glossed over it and kissed the pain away lol. The miscommunication is done on ... Roseanne

    That’s exactly what worries me still.

    BeepBopp May 11, 2024 4:32 pm

    Well.... If you guys are right, then this issue should be brought back later on. And i hope you are right. (But BL authors have a tendency to just move on from unexplained plot point)