This story is like watching a car crash, I dont want to see it but I cant look away. This ...

AnnieMay93 May 10, 2024 8:36 pm

This story is like watching a car crash, I dont want to see it but I cant look away. This had been one of the most miserable plots I've ever read. It's just constant rape and downfall. The seme's all suck and the poor uke has no choice but to accept it. I don't see this having any type of "happy" ending whatsoever, I'm actually not even sure why I'm still reading it.

    Ewol May 10, 2024 11:23 pm

    Couldn't have said it better. But I know why I'm still reading. I just want closure. Because if I stop reading I'll know it will continue and it will bug me. I just want to see the end to close the open tab.

    Ichigo May 11, 2024 2:48 am

    YES! this is exactly how I feel about Geolson's Past, Beasts of Desire, and Wish You all The Best.. they're all straight up MISERABLE and idk why I'm still reading them...