
Scarlet Angel May 10, 2024 5:58 pm

I just read the novel spoiler and if you simp for Calvados, you're out. He's a scum, a criminal. Remember when Calib got kidnapped? He's the culprit. I'm so disappointed. Just when I thought I like his character design lmao

    Anonymous May 12, 2024 5:21 am

    Literally who is Calvados? I have the memory of a gold fish so character names go out the window as soon as they exit the frame.

    Scarlet Angel May 12, 2024 6:42 am
    Literally who is Calvados? I have the memory of a gold fish so character names go out the window as soon as they exit the frame. Anonymous

    Daphne's dad

    Potatowo May 12, 2024 10:48 pm
    Daphne's dad Scarlet Angel

    Who was her? lol Wait wait, the blue haired girl? are you talking about the kidnapping at the start of the manhwa?

    Flameo Hotman May 13, 2024 2:10 am

    and I thought he was a good guy smh (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Meme Umme May 13, 2024 6:00 am

    Why tf would he kidnap Calib tho? What would he gain by this? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Scarlet Angel May 13, 2024 12:18 pm

    Okay, lemme explain. Daphne is an OGFL and she was born without magic. Calvados is her dad.

    When Calib was still inside his mother's womb, he already had a huge amount of magic that would make him the strongest like Cedric. The thing here, his mother had his uncle (that trash marquis babylon) check on her fetus and that was a big mistake.

    His uncle was already jealous with Cedric's talent and now Calib would come to the picture? That trash was not having it. He went to Calvados to make an offer.

    Calvados accepted it because he wanted the magic that Calib had for his daughter. So when Calib was born, Calvados kidnapped the baby and had an experiment on him. As you're already guessed, the experiment was to extract Calib's magic and implant it in Daphne's body.

    But at first, it was not successful as the extracted magic wanted to go back to Calib so Calvados confined him and made him stayed with Daphne for 4 years I think? The time went by, they succeed in keeping the magic for Daphne. Probably about 10% of the mana? Idk.

    When Calib's parents got a news of his whereabout, they went to save him but Calvados killed them instead. I'm not sure what exactly happened here but Calib's magic went out of control and he accidentally opened (or tore?) the space making almost half of his magic went into Yun's body (mc's dead brother). Yun is Calib. I'm not sure how to say this. Yun is Earth's Calib? Kdjdkdmms

    Again, the magic wanted to go back to it's owner. For some reason, the magic that Yun had clung on mc. He died because the magic he had totally went out of his body.

    When mc transmigrated and met Calib, the magic that clung on her went back to Calib. That's why he can use powerful spells now like weather magic.

    Potatowo May 13, 2024 12:36 pm
    Okay, lemme explain. Daphne is an OGFL and she was born without magic. Calvados is her dad.When Calib was still inside his mother's womb, he already had a huge amount of magic that would make him the strongest ... Scarlet Angel

    ╥﹏╥ Baby Calib!!!!! And flipping Calvados, he had a nice drawing style but is a damn character

    Dr-Erotica May 13, 2024 12:54 pm
    Okay, lemme explain. Daphne is an OGFL and she was born without magic. Calvados is her dad.When Calib was still inside his mother's womb, he already had a huge amount of magic that would make him the strongest ... Scarlet Angel

    what?? the scum! but wait will daphne lost her powers after? I mean she's innocent in all this right?

    Scarlet Angel May 13, 2024 1:09 pm
    ╥﹏╥ Baby Calib!!!!! And flipping Calvados, he had a nice drawing style but is a damn character Potatowo

    Right?? My simping meter went down real quick after reading the spoiler

    Scarlet Angel May 13, 2024 1:10 pm
    what?? the scum! but wait will daphne lost her powers after? I mean she's innocent in all this right? Dr-Erotica

    This is what happened to Daphne. I just copy pasted it from the site XD

    Daphne is actually not a bad person. When she couldn't save the prince she became aware of her father's love and when she have regressed in time she was able to use Calib's power and was able to save the prince but set the curse on Calib's brother, Cedric instead.

    When Daphne was kidnapped, she was saved by Elia.
    Daphne had no recollection of Elia but have a liking to her because Elia sees her for who she is.
    Daphne in the novel is set to be in loved with the prince but because she have regressed, and have an understanding and memory of an adult she doesn't see the prince as appealing as she did in the past because the guy is still a kid.

    Daphne will have a rivalry with Calib in getting Elia's attention.
    Daphne sold her family water magic secret to Calib because Calib was guilt tripping her with his brother and Elia's state.
    So because she felt guilty, and wants to have a contribution to Elia's engagement ceremony she told Calib the Calvados' water magic secret.

    In chapter 170, Daphne will be made aware of the whole ordeal between Calib's and Calvados.
    During this time, Cedric inflicted a deep wound on Calvados and placed a spell that prevented him from getting healed.
    During this time Daphne is busy using her powers to heal her father, but she was called by Elia to tell her the "truth" and to take back Calib's power inside Daphne.

    When Elia disclosed that Calib was the true possessor of Daphne's magical powers, it took her by surprise, leaving her gasping for breath. Rather than the return of Calvados or the revelation of Elia's interdimensional origins, it was more shocking to learn that Calvados had committed a terrible act on Calib. Calvados had attempted to strip Calib of his magical abilities, eventually resorting to kidnapping him and murdering the previous Grand Duke and his wife to protect his own family. Despite being at the center of it all, Daphne remained completely unaware of these events.

    After knowing the truth, Daphne experiences panic-induced struggle for air, and Elia administers first aid to help her breathe. Olivia rushes to Daphne's side and prevents her from drowning by placing a paper bag over her mouth and nose. Daphne feels powerless and discovers Elia's true emotions. Daphne learns that Elia and Indigentia initially betrayed Marine Nest (I think this means the kingdom). Daphne realizes that Renoa is a clone of Cereus and that Calvados feared the exposure of his actions. Because Daphne was threatened she betrayed Calib, Daphne tried to kill Elia, because to her, her father comes first. Daphne feels the weight of her sins and the need to apologize, but she is unable to find redemption.

    Still after knowing everything Daphne apologized to Elia, Cedric, and Calib. Cedric and Calib responded that they could understand Daphne's heart after seeing her trying to bear her father's sins with her small body for a long time.

    In the end...
    Calvados was executed, but Daphne was able to die with dignity considering that she was a child.
    Before falling into eternal sleep, Daphne is said to have quietly meditated in her empty room, where no one was there except the doctor.

    'Long live Your Majesty, Elia Fairy Emperor.'

    That was the last sleep talk of the female protagonist in <I Won't Let You Sleep This Time>.

    Meme Umme May 13, 2024 1:58 pm
    This is what happened to Daphne. I just copy pasted it from the site XDDaphne is actually not a bad person. When she couldn't save the prince she became aware of her father's love and when she have regressed in... Scarlet Angel

    Omg, I so love you for this. Not that I can comprehend much of what I read, but at least now I know that I need to burry this manhwa 6ft deep and forget that it ever existed. At least for a year (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    you tweeted this May 19, 2024 11:43 pm

    bruh these happenings are a lot lol gonna let the manhwa marinate for a while