Shit why was I not surprised by this new chapter at lll

mangotea May 10, 2024 3:59 pm

I knew this would happen because of the situations they both have been in. deep down an obsession as big as Skylar had would never simply have disappeared after gaining a "boyfriend". And cirrus is too possessive because all the people around him have betrayed him in some way or another.

I can't blame both parties because they both need professional help.

I feel as if the best way to end of their relationship is for them to either not get together but instead stick as friends who build eachother up , or they both seek the help they need and get together when they're older.

    Joybug May 10, 2024 4:13 pm

    I think they both need therapy or to work through their own trauma first. Their relationship now is toxic.

    tracethingy May 10, 2024 4:33 pm

    omg yes THEY BOTH NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP otherwise they just gonna keep hurting each other, they're not ready for relationship. cirrus with his possessiveness & skylar with his anxiety of being found gay. being with one of them will only tired someone out, and both combined......ugh....NIGHTMARE