My babies

AngelBee February 7, 2017 7:00 pm

Before reading this I have to warn you, I have written a lot.
I'm so sorry for taemin he felt totally useless as a kid because of his scumbag dad. I hate him
Anyway, I guess that's why he developed a superiority complex when he saved woojin. Did he want to say sorry to woojin because he interpreted him wrong and that he needed to depend on him.
I also feel sorry for woojin thinking he nearly lost taemin because he has nothing, also thanks to his mother *cough bitch cough*. This probably explains why he felt so empty when he grew up due to feeling like he hgad nothing to offer others,by that I mean taemin.
I feel so sorry for them both due to having shitty childhoods thanks to their parents. They only had each other, but was torn apart by circumstances that they couldn't control.
Sorry I have rambled on but I have to say I hate the mother and father, I know they have their own issues but that does not excuse them for being horrible. Good day or night.

    AngelBee February 7, 2017 7:01 pm

    Anyway I love this

    Anonymous February 7, 2017 11:22 pm

    Exactly. Parents should be responsible and NOT make strictly THEIR problems someone else'! That's why I have no problem advocating for roasting both of the parents slowly on a spit over an open fire.

    AngelBee February 7, 2017 11:51 pm
    Exactly. Parents should be responsible and NOT make strictly THEIR problems someone else'! That's why I have no problem advocating for roasting both of the parents slowly on a spit over an open fire. @Anonymous

    Yes I agree it would be nice to see them roast, especially the father. He even left his own son to pay off his loans, the stupid bastard