Art really improved and everything, but in ch 32 of new season size difference is still of...

Camelia May 10, 2024 6:51 am

Art really improved and everything, but in ch 32 of new season size difference is still off. Bottom guy looks like literal child. Top's arm is bigger than bottom's entire body. It's so uncomfortable. Ik they both should be adults, but one looking as grow up man and the other like 20kg and 120cm proportioned child is still no..... Idk if they are doing it on purpose like in straight hentai where women are labelled as 45 years old step moms but they look like little girls with watermelon boobs so they can justify themselves for fetishism of ped0philia. Hate on me all you want, I'm not saying the art is ugly, honestly it wasn't ugly even in the beginning even tho I saw people more harassing the artist for ugly art than for drawing bottom guy looking like child and top's dick being bigger than his entire abdomen.
Story as story is dark and twisted, I'm not a fan of stalking, Stockholm syndrome, Lima syndrome, abuse etc, but for those who like it, it's totally fine, only problem is still the way they are portrayed physically. Not the art style, just the sizes of the bodies.

    Ginyuuu June 2, 2024 6:50 pm

    Iaughed my ass off when in one panel the psycho dudes hand takes like 3/4 of the mc’s ass

    rinoa777 June 7, 2024 5:15 am
    Iaughed my ass off when in one panel the psycho dudes hand takes like 3/4 of the mc’s ass Ginyuuu