Yaoi and its abbreviation BL (ビーエル, bīeru), is a genre of fictional media originating in Japan that features homoerotic relationships between male characters.
From a friend.
Yes hentai where it is mostly sex is porn. Jinx does borderlines but there is a difference. And draw hentai is different from real-life porn, at least, I would image.
"Porn seeks to lower, erotica to elevate. Porn is imposed, violent, debasing. Erotica celebrates sex within an adult, and with the genre of ‘erotica romance’ catching on, increasingly intense, romantic relationships."
" But if pornography is about sex, it is not the only area that deals with this topic. Erotism is about sex too but there is a lot of differences between these two themes. The main difference is that erotism involves feelings, while pornographic does not. '
What is pornography?
Pornography is considered as an act whose sole purpose is to stimulate sexual desire. According to Oxford dictionary, pornography is describing or showing naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that many other people find offensive."
What is erotica
Erotica is any artwork that deals with stimulating or sexually arousing subject matter. This includes painting, sculpture, photography, drama film, music or literature. Erotica is considered as an artistic viewpoint of an individual and whose sole objective is to appreciate the art.
In Depth: Pornography vs Erotica: Is it time to stop shoving them under the same umbrella?

BaileyBot the cyberstalker’s sock puppet used for rage bait is the pedophile. They are trying to frame their targets with gaslighting. I am not upset. Where did she get that? Haha what a joke.
BaileyBot is not the victim here. She is gaslighting people.
The cyberstalkers have claimed they are trolling and we are hypersensitive troll victims but she is not a troll. She is one of those cyberstalkers trying to frame her targets by making them all on person. She is gaslighting you and using fake rage-bait for you to hate her victims. 99.9 % is all a lie. It is part of their “troll” aka harassment on a few people.

Now instead of having a real conversation you stand with a cyberstalker who has admitted to being a pedophile and has tried to frame someone for being a pedo when she is a pedo. Why are you standing with what you claim to hate? You were standing against a doodle trying to make it pedophila and calling others a pedo. Now you stand with a pedo with debunked claims. No wonder why you tried to make that doodle a pedophila. You wanted it be. Disgusting

Okay So this topic was bait. To go that easy with a lie either shows this person was rage-baiting since the beginning for anyone or this was aim for the targets.
They seen how you replied here. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16035551/
and https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16035952/
then set this up. What else to go with gaslighting of a pedo that easy.
They know TM or one of us would want to talk to someone and share how this is not porn. They know TM and friends will step in when someone is being attacked. When nothing was working Baileybot only comments to the topic about her lie. Or it was changed into a bait for TM and friends.
This is another catfish for the cyberstalkers since TM only block that new account with another method without saying a thing.
You think HDD is genuine. I don't. HDD did say the truth, yes. But I think HDD help create this because HDD has been standing with them and hates us because of that one view that is similar to HDD but minus one thing. Juulia pushed too hard on that view point which i know is rage bait and catfishing for us on another fake profile.
https://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/34570590/ Here is where Cyberstalker 1 is saying Cyberstalker 2 is the real Baileybot. Which after a thread last week I think Cyberstalker 1 is Baileybot.
Cyberstalker 1 and 2 have admitted to being a pedophile as they impersonate their targets. https://www.mangago.zone/home/album/383191/ (This is not the real users that they are impersonating)
She is the one with pedo friends. She is trying to frame someone for being one while claiming many people are that one she tried to frame. She can't stop talking about pedophilia. Look at what she did here and changing our behavior to fit hers. She is attacking us as a pedo to hide that she is a pedo.
In all honesty, she emailed herself and asked for a picture. No one can be a pedo from that action. The real one blocked her after two comments and never DMed her. He has provided numbers showing he is innocent, where Baileybot can't unless it is photoshopped. Her age "16" and being a "minor" was revealed after he blocked her and maybe before she even emailed herself to try to frame him.
Pedophile is 13 and younger. She is misusing pedophile and making her words have no value. This is said to debunking her claims. She will claim it is to excuse what she is accusing him of but it is to show how ridiculous she looks. We have been simply clarifying the situation and show how problematic her claim is while she is twisting the facts and manipulating the situation to her advantage.
It is like she is claiming "you are a male because of how you write." The person says " A male is a person with XY chromosomes usually has male sex and reproductive organs, and is therefore usually assigned biologically male. A female is a person with XX chromosomes usually has female sex and reproductive organs, and is therefore usually assigned biologically female.
She comes back saying you are excuse yourself and justify yourself as being a male.
When she says "I am 16 and so-so dmed me for pictures that makes them a pedo"
She can't claim someone is a pedo when she emailed herself, asking for a picture which could mean a headshot, and that she is 16 when pedophile is 13 and younger. The fact is she was able to email that other account and she said gross. in the threads she said she was a minor and she was not able to tag him because he had to her block. Most of her albums are gaslighting.
She targets never emailed her. She emailed herself with the accounts she has impersonating us. She has admitted to being a pedo many times. She is a cyberstalker.

I just seen this. That is not my core “argument”.
I am sharing you the truth. What I am saying can’t fall apart. Your “argument” is what fell apart.
Just because someone shares something with you it does not make it a fight or debate. Yaoi is not porn. Yaoi is a fantasy to where you are making points about something entirely different. You had no real “argument”. Your entire argument here has fallen apart even before you made it. I hope you read what I post about porn. You are confusing different media to being the same thing. Yes you can have negative views about a doodle. But you need to stop pushing your narrative and listen to people.

I love how BaileyBot is supporting us.
She is making many people the same person, her target.
About me: “this is the alt of the person I tried to frame.” I am putting what she meant.
About you: “he brought his other account to argue now.”
Argue? How is this arguing?
We are clarifying the situation and correcting the lame lies to the truth.
She is making many people to be her target. Many people are called a pedo for her trying to set up one.
BaileyBot sets up A with fake accounts on event A
B comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tries to frame them on event A.
C comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tried to frame them on event A.
D comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tried to frame them on event A.
E comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tries to frame them on event A.
So there are 5 people who the pedo cyberstalker claims to had done the same event when only one can which was her emailing herself to frame her targets as she makes them one person.
That does show it is a lie.
I am sorry she has no respect for non-binary people.
She must had missed when you asked to be called Safety or ze.

I read what I said compared to what you said to me. I am sorry you went for that route and dismissed most of what I said. I think you don’t really care about this doodle but here to harm others to feel better about yourself. That is why you are focused on attacking them than talking about the views or what is ACTUALLY said. You reduce what I said because you know you’re wrong. And you knew before you posted. I am not talking about your feelings on the doodle. You are just trolling here to hurt others, the topic doesn’t matter to you. Attacking someone is. Even if they are an ally in other views. Your actions here give yourself away. This is not an argument in this topic. It is your rage-bait to harm others. Vomit.

Girl, you just crowned a well-known pedo who dms minors for pics on mangago.

I don't think they seen this. I will tell them.
and I know you read this thread but baileybot is a cyberstalker.
Baileybot is a cyberstalker.
She is trying to frame others.
https://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/34570590/ Here is one cyberstalker saying to the other cyberstalker is baileybot.
https://www.mangago.zone/home/album/383191/ and both of them has admitted to being a pedo as they impersonate their targets.
She has been debunked. That is not her target. She can't tell the difference before the one defending her target to the real one.
IF you look at her "Evidence" is gaslighting. She is impersonating MD on another account and emailed herself. The real MD showed the numbers. They can't unless it is photoshopped. In the picture she only asks herself for a picture. That is not what a pedo is and they making that word have no value.
She is talking about herself as she has claimed she is a pedo on her other accounts as she impersonates her targets and tries to frame them.
Ik I can’t be the only one whose skin crawls when one of the characters in a “couple” is drawn as a child/toddler/infant… like, genuinely disgusted. Even if it is just a doodle, like, why tf are u imagining a character in a porn as a child? Especially with the “partner” as an adult? Just, like, insanely gross. -1000/10.