If you are sick of the thought, then don't entertain it by making it obvious. But here you are with the other person making out scenarios to prove your point. Your brain is making corrupted thoughts already and you entertain it, drawing other people in it, now it becomes a hot topic when it shouldn't be.
Justifying you were uncomfortable by explicitly making out scenarios and thinking outside of the box. How is that us invalidating your point when you are the ones catering evil whispers in your head? And you wish us to "comprehend" your thoughts when clearly we are normal enough not to engage disgusting thoughts.
Again, know when to separate the media is feeding you. It's hard, I know, because anything that you ingest basically becomes a part of you. But don't go to the point that you would have to create and imagine scenarios, even try to convince other people to see it for themselves. It's disgusting as it is already. Don't abandon the thought of us calling you out by stopping you to think about it more cause really, it's vile. Get it out of your system.

I'm sorry, this doesn't make any sense. If you don't like the conversation just mute it. If the topics of this conversation gross you out, mute it and stop responding. I'm not "drawing people in" to corrupted thoughts. Hello?? "If you are sick of the thought, then don't entertain it by making it obvious." If you're telling me to shut up because I have an issue with something then you do not understand what a comment section is lol. Comment sections are to express your opinions on something. I don't want to be mean be I genuinely don't know what you're trying to say.

Everyone knows mari is a ragebait troll. I wouldn't take them seriously. You should be more worried about the actual predators on this page:

^ BaileyBot aka a debunked rage bait cyberstalker. I wouldn’t take the cyberstalker seriously as they have been debunked for their frame job. She is the real predator and the ones she stands with have claimed to be a pedophile as they hide behind their targets impersonating them.
We have been determining if this topic was a bait or catfish again. It has been turned into a bait if it wasn’t.
BaileyBot is the actual predator. She is not the victim. She is the aggressor. Those in the albums are her targets.

So first there are four accounts that looks like this one.
One is the real one. That is not me. I am impersonating the real one bc of the cyberstalkers that are impersonating them. One of the cyberstalkers is BaileyBot. They have said this themselves.
BaileyBot album and actions have been outed. She is basically just running around saying the earth is flat and hoping you would believe her lies.
If critical thinking is important to you than you will see BaileyBot is gaslighting you and using her other account that is impersonating the real user. She tried to frame him. They keep changing and adding to it. It is all a lie.

We don’t know to say something or not. We felt like this was a bait from the cyberstalkers again to get our attention.
This topic has been interesting because if real, it shows haters will go against each other over an opinion. There is no loyalty and haters will just tear each other apart.
In this scenario, no thanks and juuulya is Hatdiggitydog (HDD) and HDD is us. I hope HDD will open their eyes to what they are doing to us as they have experienced the same thing they do to us.

Juuulya, I understand your frustration.
This is a doodle for children’s day. Many authors did this.
The reason JK isn’t a child is because he is already bratty enough
Mingwa : 재경인 이미 애샛키라 더 어려질 수 없다는 것
(Teddy bear emoji and heart emoji)
Translation by a online translator: Jaekyungin is already a kid so he can't get any younger (teddy bear emoji and heart emoji)
The bratty part is from someone’s translation as they explained the word she used.
This is from her X (twitter) account.”
Have you watched Sailormoon? Usagi was changing into a kid and chibausa was changed into an adult. They stayed with Mamoru during that time. They could not go anywhere else.
I have not watched it but case closed.
Yaoi is not porn. Jinx while close is not porn. There is a difference between the two. There is no pretending it is not porn. Look it up. It is not porn. These characters are not porno characters.
It's important remember that everyone is entitled to their own perspective and opinions, but it's not okay for anyone to attack or name-call based on differences in understanding or interpretation. It might be helpful to calmly and communicate your viewpoint and boundaries to the other party, and if you continue to attack others, it may be best to disengage from the conversation with you.
others for what they are to hide themselves. Please be mindful of what you are saying to others about yourself.
What is need is a conversation and to explain different perspectives. I don’t agree with your views but I can understand why you are saying what you are saying. But I am having troubles understanding your points and why you have to insult others. I would understand your reasoning better if the doodle was sexual or sexualizing it.
You shouldn’t be calling people a pedophilic apologist because they don’t share your views.
You are the one changing what the doodle is about and you are relating to porn actors and reality.
So yes picture of someone as a toddler on adult in a porn setting would be beyond gross. How does that relate to this doodle? It doesn’t. Your question about porn actors doesn’t apply here. Stop burring reality with fiction. And even porn isn’t real. You are making it pedophilic when it is not.
You are allowed to feel disgusting or disturbed. How you are treated others has me feeling the same way about you. How you related to porn and porn actors was disturbing.
The author did not mean it as you took it.

You are doing a lot of ad hominem attacks. You are focused on your opponent and attacking them. Learn this is not porn. It is two different things. You say “don”t discredit people for being uncomfortable” but you have went out of your way to discredit others. How you treated others makes me feel uncomfortable with talking to you. Your comments are disgusting behavior. You need to remember that jinx and the characters are fake. The users here are real. You are attacking real people because they have a different opinion. You have discredit them. You have insulted them. You made everyone a fan here. There are more active haters on this page. Your showed your target is Jinx fans ans you want to degrade them.
You are forcing your ideas on people and not listening to them.
Yes if they think it was cute and understood the doodle they are not pedos but why are you attacking people for just that? I don’t like how HHD treats us but you had no right to attack them as one when you know they are not one as you said here. You even made them a fan of the series.
Take your frustration and start trying to put pedos behind bars. Not focused on a doodle where you are not doing anything to change the world. There is a lot of sick people out there. It does makes me sick. It is not porn. And he is holding Potato too. It is not sexual. If this was sexual I would be right there with you but I would not be attacking anyone and making this porn. I would listen too.
I would do something about it instead of complaining here. What are you trying to accomplish here? I just see you forcing your views and discrediting others. You are not having a conversation here.

Ad hominem. Have you looked up what using ad hominems means?
You have stop talking about your view or their view to focus attacking your opponent.
You are showing your true colors.
You are showing you have no argument.
You are trying to make them look bad to your peers to make you look better.
You are showing you can’t handle a conversation or criticism. You are saying that you have lost here. You know you are wrong but you don’t want to admit it.
You do have a vaild reason. I would be there with you if it was sexual. Your feelings are legit. But how you are treating people is beyond cringe. It is toxic behavior. What you are standing against is about the same with how you are treating people. You are making your words lose meaning by attacking others and misusing terms.

There’s so much wrong here… Sailormoon is not porn? This story is porn. Its purpose is to display men having sex with a very loose string of plot to tie it together. Its genre is smut and yaoi. Yaoi by definition is “a Japanese term for manga that features sexual romance between men, specifically as created by and for women.” Sexual romance. It actually insulting that you’re even trying to pretend that this story is not a yaoi and not smut when it literally says as much on the publisher’s website.
I, nor any other sane adult, will ever, EVER “calmly” communicate with pedophiles or people who pander to/apologize for them.
These characters exclusively exist in a SMUT story (again, as stated explicitly by the publisher). There is an explicit smut scene in almost every other chapter for no reason other than to be smutty. Said characters being drawn as children while one character is left as an adult is, at the best, in incredibly poor taste.
Honestly, I don’t care if YOU find it innocent or cute. It’s the fact that this type of content can be so easily and obviously abused, and that people are so joyously feigning ignorance to it. “Uwu why are u making it weird” because there are people who do “make it weird”. A mother posting a picture of her naked toddler bending over towards the camera is just posting it because she finds it innocently funny and cute. Does that make it ok? Does that protect the picture from disgusting people who use it for sinister acts? No.
Also, the point about porno characters still stands tall given that, again, this story IS porn. Again I will ask, is it ok if someone draws a toddler version of Sasha Gray on the lap of an adult Johnny Sins? They just drew it innocently to celebrate Children’s Day!,!!,! It’s just a fun little doodle? Yes, Sasha Gray and Johnny Sins are characters in a porn, but isn’t little Sasha just so darn cute as a baby being held by Johnny? Nobody will ever look beyond their cute, innocent intentions, right?

I love that BaileyBot showed she is a rage-bait cyberstalker.
I am not her target. I never said my gender. She twisted the facts for her dumb narrative.
BaileyBot is obsessed with MD. She is obsessed with making him and anyone who defends him a pedo and him.
She says she is 16. By definition pedophila is 13 and younger. She has claimed to being a pedo on her other accounts and stands with other one.
She tried to frame the real MD with an impersonator.
For her to use that debunked album bring up where MD was answering a question and she gas-lighted that comment to make him a pedo when he was objectively reporting.
16 years old can be diagnosed with being a pedophile. BaileyBot is 16 and obsessed with pedos to where she will try to frame someone that blocked her before she made up her lie on them. BaileyBot is attacking people to being a pedo and hiding that she is a pedo herself.

Your core argument is that this pornographic story is not porn, even when a graphic rapey sex scene happens in every other chapter lol your entire point falls apart with even the slightest bit of context. Porn is a concert that isn’t exclusively videographic. It’s any media that almost exclusively appeals to people’s sexual taste.

Yaoi is not porn.jinx is not porn. Sexual romance is not porn. Having sex in a story does not make it porn.
You are not listening and tried to gaslight.
Jinx is yaoi. Jinx is smut. Yaoi is not porn.
You are the one pretending it is porn.
It seems you are forcing me into a position to attack me. Are you sure you are not one feigning ignorance? You are ones of the ones making it beyond weird.
You are relating to real life situations again. A picture of naked toddler should be reported and has nothing to do with yaoi or draws.
You are trying to get a yes there to prove your argument is right. Manipulation. A yes to a real situation does not equal a yes.
If you want to protect REAL toodlers. Do something about it instead of complaining about a draw that is unrelated.
Your point about porn does not stand. I have already acknowledged and answered that. You ignored my words. This is not looking good for you.
This is not porn. And you are relating to real life porn and people who actors. Do you not see the problem? Dan and JK are not real. They are not real. There will be no children’s day picture. Who ever draw that in a porn setting with porn characters probably doesn’t have innocent intentions. But to match this situation, Sasha Gray would had to turn into a child not a draw. So when can an adult be changed into a child? So this would make this a fantasy world to fit. Your point does not stand.
If you make this about a hentai that has the woman turn into a child then you have a better argument but it shows how different yaoi and smut are to a hentai. This doodle does not show anything sexual. If it did it would be wrong. You are overreacting, overthinking, and not listening. You are blurring reality with fantasy and what porn is compared to yaoi. You had to gaslight me too. You are not here to understand. You are here to impose and manipulate others.

That person is a pedo/pedo defender. They have dm multiple people with inappropriate and strange messages. The reason they're so upset with you is because they're projecting themselves into your conversation. They see you calling someone else a pedo as you calling them a pedo. They're just a sad waste of space waiting for their chance to victimize themselves.
Ik I can’t be the only one whose skin crawls when one of the characters in a “couple” is drawn as a child/toddler/infant… like, genuinely disgusted. Even if it is just a doodle, like, why tf are u imagining a character in a porn as a child? Especially with the “partner” as an adult? Just, like, insanely gross. -1000/10.