Here's this again since you seem too scared to respond:
You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had inappropriate thoughts about children, I would have loved this illustration and that is my point exactly. OP was uncomfortable with this post because (critical thinking skills are about to be used) the context of this story is purely sexual. The illustration alone is fine, but the CONTEXT adds a level of weirdness. I, personally, do not like seeing porn characters drawn like this. It's fine if you do, just don't assume everyone who disagrees wirh you is into kids. Weak argument. I hope this helps.

How are you able to come up with these ideas? Seriously... It's so interesting how your brain can create vile thoughts over something with a context "Children's day". I can only see an annoyed Jaekyung looking after transformed adults, but you went and dug a deep shithole.
Apologist my ass, don't lump me in with your corrupted mind. If you can still call that a mind? What a sad argument you're trying to win here. Get a move on.

Fucking everyone is making porn in their lives. Husband and wife makes sex and they interact with children. If you convert their interaction as disturbing that's your fucking mind playing dirt all over head. Why fcking explain that to everybody and convince it's inappropriate. Fck, not all have dirty minds like that. These people seriously.

Cause no one even thought about?! Fcking I'm not even familiar with those people! Again I've said this earlier, breathe in and out to get a bigger aspect of life. Fcking Manhwa or yaoi is not entirely a porn front. If that's the only thing you got out of the whole story, then basically all the other stories with smut are porn to you?? What an interesting mind you really have there.. Oh my god. Are you only reading yaoi genre? Or are you a beginner at all to not be able to separate fiction setting??

Justifying their vile thoughts by calling out people who didn't had the same thought process as them.
What kind of logic.. I wasn't going to retaliate like this you know, but fcking called me pedo apologist, cause I don't meet their heads halfway. I have children. I read all sorts of genre be it yaoi, shojo, josei. Do I lump what I read and incorporate them in my real life? Fucking no. Is that my problem that you were able to come up with disturbing thoughts because I couldn't? Because I'm sane enough to separate this and that?? Heck, that's seriously a you problem..
What a dickhead.

it's so funny how ppl are bringing literal porn actors into this conversation and forcing others to think of those ppl as children like ????? maybe consider we did not have those thoughts in the first place bc we arent weird like you????? and if yalls critical thinking points to pedophilic stuff then again, those are YOU problem icb yall just admitted to thinking of pedophilia upon using critical thinking skills like damn

right??? and they're trying to convince us to see their point and think of pedophilic stuff to? idk what to tell OP but im sorry my mind is not as fvckd up as theirs, thoughts and prayers to them tho bc someone who immediately thinks of pedophilia upon seeing a child with an adult should not be allowed near one (and this art is literally just a child dan with jaekyung. it did not have sexual connotations but OP can't see that bc their "critical thinking skills" is making them apply jinx's porn plot on literal children. i still cant believe they can't see how weird their thought process is)

You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had inappropriate thoughts about children, I would have loved this illustration and that is my point exactly. OP was uncomfortable with this post because (critical thinking skills are about to be used) the context of this story is purely sexual. The illustration alone is fine, but the CONTEXT adds a level of weirdness. I, personally, do not like seeing porn characters drawn like this. It's fine if you do, just don't assume everyone who disagrees wirh you is into kids. Weak argument. I hope this helps.

You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had inappropriate thoughts about children, I would have loved this illustration and that is my point exactly. OP was uncomfortable with this post because (critical thinking skills are about to be used) the context of this story is purely sexual. The illustration alone is fine, but the CONTEXT adds a level of weirdness. I, personally, do not like seeing porn characters drawn like this. It's fine if you do, just don't assume everyone who disagrees wirh you is into kids. Weak argument. I hope this helps.

you said it urself that the illustration is fine. and i agree because it's not sexual in nature. but you also said yourself that the context adds a level of weirdness and that is exactly my point. why would you add a sexual context to illustration knowing that it would be weird?? why couldn't you just see it for the children's day illustration that it is ? i never said everyone who talks sexualization of children is a pediphile. however, when something is not inherently sexual, just like a children's day drawing that this is, and you give it a sexual context, you think of it in a sexual context rather than separating it from that and viewing it as an illustration on its own, then that's where the problem lies and that's exactly why ppl keep saying that yall who perceived this as weird are the ones who are the problem.

also, OP assumed ppl here who disagree with them are pedophile apologist despite us explaining our side, so since they can assume that, then im also gonna assume whatever the hell i want about them for concluding that a children's day drawing is sexual even though its supposed to have been an innocent doodle and separate from sexual context of the manhwa. i dont care if u think my argument is weak, dont tell me what to do lol

You cannot separate this illustration from the source material. The characters are the same. It is uploaded right next to graphic sex scenes. Click the previous chapter button a few times and you'll see porn. If this was different characters and a different story, it would be perfectly alright. It's fine if you like this image and this series as a whole, but don't discredit people for being uncomfortable. I do not believe the artist had bad intentions and the image itself is not sexual, but I am allowed to examine that within the context of this story, it's weird to see them drawn like this. It makes me uncomfortable because I know images like this can spawn disgusting behavior and fuel fans who are already fucked up in the head. I know what Children's day is, but the author could have chosen to draw them all as kids but purposefully left one as an adult. This was likely done for comedy but the imagery it invokes is unsettling. I fear for the content/ fantasies fans might develop after this post. If you thought it was cute, you're not a pedo. Some people will think it's more than cute, and I wish there was less content fueling those people in the world. It's just unnecessary to be included in a series where people who are already prone to consuming sexual content are reading. Please don't force this idea that people uncomfortable with this are the freaks. That is counterproductive, because there are real freaks who will enjoy seeing this illustration for horrible reasons and that makes me sick. Again, it's fine if you like it, just don't act like this series is some heartwarming fluff. It's porn, and people have every right to not want to see a porn character drawn as a child being held by their adult partner. You don't know everyone's situation and the reasons they have for being uncomfortable with art like this.
Ik I can’t be the only one whose skin crawls when one of the characters in a “couple” is drawn as a child/toddler/infant… like, genuinely disgusted. Even if it is just a doodle, like, why tf are u imagining a character in a porn as a child? Especially with the “partner” as an adult? Just, like, insanely gross. -1000/10.