Thank you!
Now we see why Kuroda is devoted to Asami - he killed for him.
Is that what Asami is thinking about Akihito during the reunion sex?
During the reunion sex, Asami is thinking about:
-- Sex and how much they needed each other.
-- How Akihito truly cares about him now and it fills him with emotion.
-- That he'd never wanted love from anyone, but he wanted it now and was at its mercy.
-- How Akihito was the only light in his darkness and he could never be replaced.
That's most of the epilogue, except before the sex he thinks of Kuroda and how everyone needs someone he can rely on. He's surprised that he can think that and he realized Takaba was the reason he could.
well yeah... the novel has more space for words that the manga has to omit to drive storytelling by art
I really don't see the point of this details about kuruda past (it's horrible !!!!) the how asami and him become friends can be showed through one simple panel in abbreviation , those sad and horrible moments I mean the gang rape ending with murder of the victim are real in the real world ! i don't really appreciate or enjoy reading this ! we all know how asami gets loyalty of his subordinates and friends ! even akihito was affected about asami saving him again and again!
when asami raped akihito he gives him aphrodisiac to feel pleasure and he didn't hurt him to the point of breaking him, in the novel akihito asked for more, i think it was his first time and it was with an experimented hot guy plus he was drugged so akihito did feel really good , remember with the strangulation asami and yuri did the thing but it was different sensation fear/pleasure, akihito wasn't afraid of asami when he rapped him all what he feel was the pleasure that's why we see in the other chap akihito asked himself what he did to me???
Thanks Anon who read the novel. Asami's thoughts about Akihito almost brought me to tears! I just wish that Akihito could read this so that he stops doing dumb stuff like bjs for info.
Bonjour ! :)
Est ce qu'il y aurait une possibilité pour que le roman Finder No Souen soit traduis en anglais ? Je suis très curieuse de savoir le passé d'Asami ! :3
Merci pour toutes les personnes qui ont partagé les informations sur le roman ! ;)
Comme j'ai expliqué plus tôt, Sublime n'a pas écarté la possibilité. Mais ils disent y penser plutôt après avoir publié tous les volume. Ils sortent le 8eme en mars, puis feront de 1 a 7 aux deux mois; l'ancienne maison anglais de publication de Viewfinder n'a plus la série et donc Sublime l'ont repêché, d'ou le besoin de ressortir tous les volumes a leur propre sauce. Ça veut donc dire que dans environ un an et demi ils considéreront cela, puis je dirais que ça prendrais 1 ans a réaliser?
Bref, on verra dans 2-3 ans ahaha!
Merci de la réponse ! :)
sublime c'est la nouvelle maison de publication de finder ? je ne savais pas ça! heureusement qu'ils ont commencé par le dernier volume . les pauvres fans vont galérer pour avoir le novel en anglais, moi perso l'attente a failli par me décourager mais sensei sait comment faire tenir le pain sur l' hameçon ! elle nous tient à sa merci hahahaha.
Here's a really short description of the rest of the Kuroda part of the novel.
The rest of the Kuroda part is long but it almost all takes place recovering at Asami's. Asami takes Kuroda back to his home, a huge Japanese mansion of his mother's family where he has a room in an isolated wing. He tells the school Kuroda is sick, and has Kuroda tell his parents he's staying with a friend to study. Asami takes care of him for about 2 weeks until New Years Eve, washing him, tending his wounds, feeding him, and calming him through flashbacks and even holding him when Kuroda cries. Asami is gentle and kind but only thinks that Kuroda is strong and he'll be fine. The idea of rape doesn't seem to bother him, except that it happened to his only friend.
Oh, he gives Kuroda a Christmas present at one point, most of the money the gang had taken from him, and the book he'd promised to give him. Kuroda doesn't see anyone the whole time he's there, and they're never seen in the novel. Nice mother.
Asami's father calls him and asks about the killing and tells him he has to come home, overseas. He's resigned and thinks his trial year as a high school student failed- he never fit in and didn't make any friends, except Kuroda.
Eventually Kuroda leaves, and they both basically say they'll be friends forever and can always count on one another. Kuroda tells him something important, that no matter what he ends up doing, he needs to remember that he's himself.
Asami leaves his mother's, reconciling himself to a life on the other side, his emotions numbing as he walks to the car (parked in an alley down the street?) that's taking him to the airport. A child runs into him, obviously Akihito, who glares, shouts, runs away with a bloody nose and he laughs and remembers Kuroda's words about staying true to himself. Then he blanks his face and gets into the car and it drives away.
That's it for this section.
About the rapes, Asami doesn't seem to feel emotional about it. The act of rape doesn't seem to bother him. His friend being hurt bothers him. He'd have felt the same if Kuroda had been shot, but he'd still use guns. I think with Takaba in chapter one there were two things involved. One, he was attracted to Takaba beyond belief for him. Two, he saw someone on a path toward death, knew how stubborn Takaba was, and knew he needed a lesson he'd never forget if he was going to live, and Asami wanted him to live if only to play with him. Also, Asami believes strong people survive and get past rape, lesson learned, so Takaba would. So to him rape is just a thing, just something to use or to overcome. He knew Takaba would be hurt, but that was the point he wanted to get across. Pleasure and pain.