Guys… CHILL!!!

FFS May 9, 2024 3:32 pm

As someone who read the novel 3 times, I don’t really get the comment’s section argument & hate ??

Maybe I was already influenced by the novel story pacing, but this manhwa doesn’t deserve the hate guys

— The original novel is written in Hestia’s POV, if Kael seems passive, it’s probably because on the early chapters the manhwa PICKED UP how it’s written in the novel : Passive & expressionless Kael, & that in hestia’s POV she believes kael doesn’t seems to care about her
(that’s why I think they changed the manhwa story a little bit. So Manhwa reader can see more Kael’s POV too)

— In the novel Hestia never explicitely said she loves Kael in romantic way. The manhwa made Hestia looks jealous romantically when Kael & Diana met, but in the novel it’s hinted she’s more HORRIFIED (of the flow of the story)

— Plus in the novel, for a long time Kael is actually confused with Hestia, “he feels like Hestia truly cares about him but it’s not quite like love” because Hestia is actually FANGIRLING!! She doesn’t see Kael as equal romantic partner, she sees herself as HIS SLAVE!!

She feels like she doesn’t belong in this world and need a sense of purpose : Having (unwanted) revenge for her beloved bias/delerict love!!

— Pls also take into consideration that Kael & Helios doesn’t realize until later chapter that Hestia’s initial plan is to crush Diana… Heli thought she wants fame etc, and Kael just lets hestia do whatever which unexpectedly benefit him but also crushed Diana

— So in Kael’s defense why he seems so slow & passive : he need to unpack & heal from the trauma in the early chapters, trying to understand Hestia’s action, trying to move on to this other person (Hestia), but also getting confused that Hestia never truly open up to him

People said he’a passive but personally, if he move on too soon, I wouldn’t like it

    Flare May 9, 2024 4:10 pm

    I personally find the flow of events pretty normal as well given both characters situation and personality (thanks for confirming it though makes things much clearer cos I was doubting myself lol).

    cl0udymist May 9, 2024 5:33 pm

    i agree with flare and u, i personally like this flow and i will continue to ignore all hate comments lol. i love the story as it is growing

    FFS May 10, 2024 4:06 am

    People seems to want more revenge & activeness from the Male Leads but if people put it in perspective:

    — Diana is not evil EVIL. She just have narrow minded, sense of arrogance that she’s righteous. And she doesn’t care that she hurts others as long as she’s right. This is what Hestia wants to correct/revenge on.

    — Hestia is ready to get messy, but Heli stopped her. In the next chapters, Kael finally stood up (probably just wanted to support whatever Hestia does without knowing her goal)

    — Heli put a stop on Hestia involving the temple because it will got too messy + He promised the emperor that he will protect Diana

    — even Hestia feels disgusted when Kael got involved in her “revenge”, because she just wants Kael to sit back and be HEALED

    — Kael, after taking the initiative to go against the temple & Diana, were PERSUADED by Heli to take back the accusation. Probably revealing that Hestia actions were revenge against Diana for him, but Kael truly doesn’t want anything to do with Diana anymore, not even revenge.

    — Kael never wanted revenge or whatever. He just wants to be happy with Hestia. That’s why he agreed to take back the accuse & persuade Hestia to move to the North

    — Hestia wants Diana to realizes her wrongs & change her way quickly. But Diana’s pride won’t let her.
    — Heli wanted to protect Diana, but he needs to clean up Diana’s mess everytime, he slowly lose his patience & jealous that Kael has someone who supports him