
Meru21 May 9, 2024 2:29 am

Super sexy officer, but I'm so sad for him and Jikang. It has to be so bitter sweet to see him everywhere. .

    punpurin May 9, 2024 4:52 am

    SOILERRRRR - Don't feel bad for the old officer dude. He killed Jikang for his own motives.

    Meru21 May 9, 2024 7:56 am
    SOILERRRRR - Don't feel bad for the old officer dude. He killed Jikang for his own motives. punpurin

    Well, of course he did, but still . . .

    Baby tiana May 9, 2024 8:48 am
    Well, of course he did, but still . . . Meru21

    Still?? He killed him but you wanna say still?!! What still?!!

    Meru21 May 9, 2024 11:08 am
    Still?? He killed him but you wanna say still?!! What still?!! Baby tiana

    Lol, because even Thanos was hurt when he threw Gamora into the Void, but his selfishness won out. His actions may be unforgivable and I wouldn't do the same in that situation, but I do empathize with the part of him that hurts over his loss. Even if that loss is brought about by his own hands. Not condoning his actions, just saying that I get the hurt that went along with it. Hope that makes sense. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Baby tiana May 9, 2024 12:02 pm
    Lol, because even Thanos was hurt when he threw Gamora into the Void, but his selfishness won out. His actions may be unforgivable and I wouldn't do the same in that situation, but I do empathize with the part ... Meru21

    Firstly, this isn't thanos. Secondly, this old fart killed his lover for his own interest, his own motive. And you feel sad for him? For him?? And not the dude that was killed?? According to spoilers, his death was so brutal and he was cut in half. BECAUSE OF THIS SCUMBAG??!! Nahh fuck his hurt (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    tsaritsa, kishiar luvr May 9, 2024 8:05 pm
    Well, of course he did, but still . . . Meru21

    still? bro split him in half

    Zerose May 9, 2024 8:08 pm
    Well, of course he did, but still . . . Meru21


    Spoilers said he was split into two and you are ok with it. Wow

    Zerose May 9, 2024 8:09 pm
    Firstly, this isn't thanos. Secondly, this old fart killed his lover for his own interest, his own motive. And you feel sad for him? For him?? And not the dude that was killed?? According to spoilers, his death... Baby tiana

    I agree with you. I really can't understand how people think anymore. How can anyone be ok with it unless the brain is not functioning properly.

    Meru21 May 9, 2024 9:11 pm

    One, I dont know spoilers and I didn't ask for any, so thanks for ruining that for me. I merely guessed that he was the cause of HJKs death. Timing of his introduction was too coincidental. Also, I'm the type of person that can separate a lot of things in my brain. Such as this: my mother was insanely abusive and so was my stepfather. Starvation, beating, sleep deprivation, and other such things. I don't speak to my mother anymore and my stepmonster has been out of my life for quite some time, but I don't hate them. I hate what they did. I will still feel bad for my mother if she goes through something I know genuinely upsets her (hard to imagine something like that existing but you never know), but that doesn't mean I like nor love her as a person. I can still feel empathy and sympathy for people who are hurting, regardless of what they've done. Also, I used Thanos as an example of emotional similarities. I am very well aware this man isn't Thanos. Although, I do find it odd that you can understand that separation with Thanos and Gamora, but not this guy and HJK. Like I said, I don't know what happens, so I'm basing my emotions and such based on not having spoiler information, which you all seem intent on giving me. My depth of empathy may change for this man as the story progresses, but it is where it is now. I won't apologize for feeling something.

    Meru21 May 9, 2024 9:13 pm

    Oh, and one more thing:
    We may disagree, and there's nothing wrong with that. I respect your opinion even if it differs from mine. I would hope you all can do the same. If you wish to debate the topic further, I'm all for it, but I will not address personal attacks or anything like that. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    punpurin May 10, 2024 2:54 am
    One, I dont know spoilers and I didn't ask for any, so thanks for ruining that for me. I merely guessed that he was the cause of HJKs death. Timing of his introduction was too coincidental. Also, I'm the type o... Meru21

    U aren't feeling more "empathy and sympathy" than the rest of us... it just seems like ur separation of personality and being is a trauma response. It seems like ur def the type of person to support an abuser who beat up their partner, kids, etc., just cause they spout a sob story about getting abused when they were a kid. Like that's unfortunate fore them, but doesn't give them the right to inflict the same/more pain on other people. No matter the circumstance, that doesn't justify the bad things they did or even require u to understand them more. Yeah... so pls get therapy. If THIS many people r telling u that ur way of seeing things is messed up, it's probs time to learn how to see things for what they really are.

    Meru21 May 10, 2024 8:18 am
    U aren't feeling more "empathy and sympathy" than the rest of us... it just seems like ur separation of personality and being is a trauma response. It seems like ur def the type of person to support an abuser w... punpurin

    I didn't say that I was feeling more empathy or sympathy than anyone else. Just that I can separate it from other emotions. And, yes, it is the result of trauma. Makes work easier, let me tell you. Also, I said that I don't condone his actions. And no, what happened to someone as a child might explain their behavior but it in no way excuses it. Just because I empathize with a part of a person does not mean that I don't believe people should be punished accordingly for their crimes or have karma beat them to a bloody pulp. But I'm not so filled with vengeance to negate someone's trauma.
    You completely took everything I said and either didn't read it for what it was, or just read what you wanted out of it. I meant what I said, with no hidden meanings and I said what I meant. Personally attacking me because I feel a certain way or look at a situation differently than you do is fundamentally wrong in a moral sense and shows a narrow mindedness and immaturity that stems from being defensive because you don't have a logical argument to place before me. I have no problem changing my mind and said that it might, depending on what happens. I don't know what happens and I haven't read ahead, so I'm going off of what I know now. That might change, it might not. Regardless, you have no right to tell someone that they need therapy or they're messed up out of spite. It's rude, demeaning and just plain mean. I am allowed to feel any way I wish. What harm is an opinion doing to anyone else? None. We can disagree, but please at least have the courtesy to be respectful about it