Can manga please start writing rape victims as RAPE VICTIMS. Stop romanticizing rape plz. ...

Olivekk May 8, 2024 10:14 pm

Can manga please start writing rape victims as RAPE VICTIMS. Stop romanticizing rape plz. I’m not just talking about the semes raping the uke, but the uke being like “I don’t want this, but I do!” Please. Stop. Idk if the artist is worried that the minute they take that aspect of those scenes out, they’ll get backlash for drawing straight up rape.. but seriously, if you’re going for that kind of scene just do it, it’s not supposed to be fetishized, ITS RAPE. Or maybe just stop making rape an aspect of the story? Like pick a struggle please. If you find rape stories appealing, die.

    Uth May 8, 2024 10:28 pm

    I dropp anything with that it's so sad and uncomfortable to read. I really don't get how it's so normalized in some Mangas especially bl. Like it's so unrealistic too plss

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 12:49 am

    it's so ass how every story that comes out has to include rape and toxicity and abuse, like where are any of the normal fucking stories with normal ass people? all these authors will never admit their characters are rapists who should be imprisoned bc they never draw it as rape. it's just fetishized for money atp.

    bc why everybody gotta be a fucking rapist and why do mfs fall in love with their rapists??? i'm convinced all these authors are in some kind of rape fetish cult on god or having rape in their stories is literally just a job requirement at this point.

    LGtfo May 9, 2024 3:30 am

    You commenting this on some random piracy site is definitely gonna change things

    LGtfo May 9, 2024 3:30 am
    it's so ass how every story that comes out has to include rape and toxicity and abuse, like where are any of the normal fucking stories with normal ass people? all these authors will never admit their character... hatdiggitydog

    You’re derangedgo ahead and call the cops then for their fictional crime