I think it’s coming to an end When Fairy Tail was close to ends, in every chapter cover, there would be a letter spelling "arigatou gozaimasu", and I think the author is doind the same here
I think it’s coming to an endWhen Fairy Tail was close to ends, in every chapter cover, there would be a letter spelling "arigatou gozaimasu", and I think the author is doind the same here Teyola
16? You're thinking with your English brain, think with your Japanese brain lmao. Japanese and English have different wording system, so a-ri-ga-tou(or to-u) go-za-i-ma-su, and we're already at "ga." Which means we have 6 or 7 more chapters left.
Somebody spoil, is EZ coming to an end? Does shiki and Rebecca know abt their son?