dwi'n caru manhwa May 8, 2024 5:27 pm

what’s in the basement???? someone tell me!!

    Emma1111 May 8, 2024 6:32 pm


    so in the recent chapter heejae went back to the basement and pretty much saw beomjoon in the basement with a deadbody. I could be wrong idk if he was dead or knocked out but beomjoon had blood on him

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 9:25 pm in the recent chapter heejae went back to the basement and pretty much saw beomjoon in the basement with a deadbody. I could be wrong idk if he was dead or knocked out but beomjoon had blood on him Emma1111

    i think he was killing or torturing him tho? bc he had a knife in his hand and to the guys throat iirc