About Vercike and Cain

qodheow May 8, 2024 3:46 pm

I don't think Vercike wants to sleep with ken/cain, the last time he fingers ken i think it was only because ken is under his spell ((because if not ken will run away)) and he trying to relieve ken that being charmed by the spells

    sushi May 9, 2024 9:55 am

    i agree with u so much because why are people assume "i wanna sleep with you" is sexual can it not be an innocent thing as well??

    winter May 14, 2024 6:52 pm
    i agree with u so much because why are people assume "i wanna sleep with you" is sexual can it not be an innocent thing as well?? sushi

    I think its because of what the author had said in the creators notes
    They said ver( however u spell this manz name) and cain is gonna have “scene” together
    So people isnt taking well cause wtf