I guess I'm the only one who's actually enjoying this arc😂is it weird that Tristan had ...

Sofia May 8, 2024 8:46 am

I guess I'm the only one who's actually enjoying this arcis it weird that Tristan had a crush on Wren seeing as he basically raised him since he was a kid?In the real world absolutely yes.But we're talking about manga here,yaoi at that, I'm sure we've all read more fucked up shit,so I don't understand why everyone are so flabbergasted by this take if turns.It's fiction,so I don't really care.My ick is usually cheating in stories.Yes yes, that's so little compared to all the worst plots we encounter on this platform, but when I read a love story I like it to be about ABSOLUTE love,I like to read some good pining and adoration from both parts,and cheating kinda ruins it for me.Usually.But I guess my morale kinda went out the window cause I'm not really attached to Tristan and Ethan as a couple.Nothing against them but when i see them together I feel nothing.I'm not rooting for them like I usually would,I just don't feel the love.So I know the author won't make Tristan cheat on Ethan, otherwise she would lose A LOT of readers,but I don't mind the love triangle.I like Wren more,sorry not sorry

    Spring rolls May 8, 2024 10:14 am

    This is such an interesting take because I LOVE Tristan and Ethan together, they just fit so perfectly. I understand where you’re coming from that since it’s a manga, a Yaoi manga at that it’s not super weird for Tristan to like Wren or vice versa esp since they’re not blood related, however, wrens annoying me A LOT rn. I get that he’s gone through a lot but like… that’s basically ur child be so fr with me. Obviously he has a great deal of mental health issues tho. And actually I think the author is going to show us some Wren x Tristan stuff cuz the next chapter is rated M so I bet you’ll be happy abt that (unless it’s just Wren jerking off). I’ll be so mad at the author tho T-T

    cecilia900 May 8, 2024 12:00 pm
    This is such an interesting take because I LOVE Tristan and Ethan together, they just fit so perfectly. I understand where you’re coming from that since it’s a manga, a Yaoi manga at that it’s not super w... Spring rolls

    I think it will be just Wren jerking off

    Sofia May 8, 2024 3:12 pm
    This is such an interesting take because I LOVE Tristan and Ethan together, they just fit so perfectly. I understand where you’re coming from that since it’s a manga, a Yaoi manga at that it’s not super w... Spring rolls

    My take on Wren being turned on by basically his son was that it was linked to the blood.Like,we've seen that while he was being made being dependent on the drug,right after came the sex.So I thought of his physical reaction as more of a pavlovian thing.His body automatically responded to the blood by craving sexual contact cause that was it was used to.Add the love that was already there and it could be confused as desire for that specific person.But yeah I totally get why people would be annoyed by Wren,again,I know my take on this is highly an unpopular opinion.I guess I'm just quite bored by Ethan and Tristan that i'll take whatever drama comes my way as long as it makes it a little more interesting

    Spring rolls May 8, 2024 7:26 pm
    My take on Wren being turned on by basically his son was that it was linked to the blood.Like,we've seen that while he was being made being dependent on the drug,right after came the sex.So I thought of his phy... Sofia

    Honestly that’s so valid! I get where you’re coming from I guess like how cheating usually ruins it for you it would ruin this for me lmaoo. Honestly the main thing I want is for the uncle to die HAHA