something w/ a lasting impact

crispy May 8, 2024 1:52 am

what’s the most unique reincarnation story u guys have read?

    Ashley.P May 8, 2024 2:06 am

    July found by chancooO9o


    Ashley.P May 8, 2024 2:12 am

    July found by chance, where our fl relises she is in a novel and tries to make a npc like character fall in love with her

    sakuracry May 8, 2024 6:04 pm

    Another typical fantasy romance
    FL isekaied as strong heroine into a novel, manages to get the original novel's happyend but then gets killed by original's ml and regresses. She wants to stay away from him by contract marriage to new ML - a big teddy bear but scary-looking with lotsa scars & beard. This ML is unique, their communication is unique, both have personality & wits what we seldom have and FL's regression has unexpected effects on the existence of the world itself...

    nanu-nana May 8, 2024 6:05 pm

    FL doesn't know anything for sure but thinks she isekaied. It's realistic and refreshing since most FLs know, even though they read a lot. But then FL strays far from her being realistic - and it's amusing how she's stumbling around making various assumptions...
    Lasting impression: How the hell could she...?

    Jenny May 23, 2024 9:16 pm

    Not really reincarnation but this series is literally one of the BEST fantasy stories I’ve ever read. I have cried, yelled, and gotten frustrated so many times in here, but overall the jealousy, the cuteness of everything, and the comedic, wild ride just continued to pull me in. It’s an all time favorite I will never get enough of, they really need to make a drama out of it because it’s just THAT good