She has to have some grand trauma to have such a stuck up attitude, anyways to me it seems...

Bbb May 7, 2024 11:35 pm

She has to have some grand trauma to have such a stuck up attitude, anyways to me it seems like she was trying to gaslight him , she was answering his genuine questions without answering him in a sympathetic way again turning those questions to him , you did the same bla bla, then she she said i thought you were a girl (misgensering him)then assumes yeonwoo is mysoginystic because she all on her own thaught that yeonwoo doesn't like girls and boys to be friends , then she rambles on about if you want to i can breakup with my friends, but then doesn't respond when he said do you love me . Let's not forget that even if she wants to feel how it feels to date someone, but she literally destroy his mental health as we know as soon as they start dated , yenwoo was the one trying to be pessimistic while she wasn't doing shit . Yeonwoo deserve better i think the girl who proposed to him see him as a person , he should go out with her after clearing shit with her

    Ashkan May 8, 2024 4:29 am


    Eva May 8, 2024 9:38 am

    I agree with everything you said.

    goldenpot May 10, 2024 1:12 am

    AGREEE, haesol is toxic af. she answer him but not the questions. amd then guilt trip and intimidate him. typical