This was nice

~niceness~ May 7, 2024 9:23 pm

Okay so just caught up with this shit and I have a lot to get off my chest !!
First of all, WHY TF IS THERE LITERALLY LIKE ZERO BUILD UP IN THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY?????? I WAS LITERALLY SO CONFUSED STARTING THIS SHIT !! U CANT JUST GIVE ME A STORY WITH CHARACTERS ALREADY IN PLACE WITH NO INTRODUCTION WITH HOW THEY MET THE MAIN 2 AND EXPECT, ME, THE READER, TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEM ????? I DONT KNOW THESE PEOPLE WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT THEM UUUGGGHHHH IM SO ANNOYED WITH THE LOST POTENTIAL OF EVERYTHING ☹☹☹ like I need on screen bonding and relationship development with these friendships Deon and Casia have going on. For instance, that old dude that supposedly treated Casia as if she was his own daughter. U just introduce a totally knew character out of no where and expect me to care that he is dying??? They never showed him in the beginning??? WE BARELY SAW CASIA’S CHILDHOOD !! THAT SHIT SHOULD HAVE BEEN LONGER ☹☹☹☹ Like I cared more about what happened to Casia’s stepfather and grandparents than whoever that butler dude was but that is never brought up again. Or that knight dude that lost an arm, didn’t he hate Casia at the start???? IT’S NEVER SHOWN HOW THEY SLOWLY BECAME FRIENDS AND STARTED TO TRUST AND CARE ABOUT EACHOTHER !☹ AND THE SAME CAN BE SAID ABOUT DEON AND CASIA THEMSELVES WHEN TF DID HE EVEN START LIKING HER ???? JUST BECAUSE OF HER EYES???? AND HE NEVER QUESTIONS HER ABOUT HOW SHE KNOWS WEIRD INFORMATION EVER AGAIN AFTER THAT FIRST CONVERSATION???? I thought as the story progressed Deon would see more and more colour because of Casia AND THAT WAS HOW HE STARTED TO DEVELOP FEELINGS FOR HER BUT NO. HE’S JUST HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER FROM THE BEGINNING FOR NO REASON UUUGGGHHHHH. (I hate love at first sight shit). I need the build up dude, like where are the slight touches he begins to be hyper aware of or how his heart rate increases whenever she’s near or like THE BLUSHES I WANTED TO SEE HIM BLUSH GODDAMMIT WE WERE ROBBED I TELL U ROBBEDWHERE IS THE PINING ???? WHERE IS THE SLOWBURN ??? I NEED TO SEE IT TF AND ALSO- WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SIBLINGS? HUH??? WHYTHERE HAD TO BE ANOTHER WAY BUT NO U HAD TO GO DOWN THE WEIRD STEPSIBLINGS ROUTE DIDNT U ☹☹☹☹

    ~niceness~ May 7, 2024 9:37 pm

    Oh and also the only things that kept me reading on was how amazingly amazing the art was, I love it sm, I even like the new artstyle too (but Deon’s prettiness got downgraded especially his hair ). The first artstyle was so pretty and unique to me <3 but I still really like the current one too it’s also pretty but a different kind <33 Also kept on reading because Casia is just seriously so cute dude like ohmygod I can’t stop looking at her and appreciating the way she looks she’s literally just the cutest and the way they draw the stuffed animals and little doll ☹☹ ohmygod holy shitballs I just love cute shit

    ~niceness~ May 7, 2024 9:41 pm
    Oh and also the only things that kept me reading on was how amazingly amazing the art was, I love it sm, I even like the new artstyle too (but Deon’s prettiness got downgraded especially his hair ). The firs... ~niceness~

    I probably have more to say about the plot and other stuff but I have ran out of brain power so maybe another time but I would have probably forgotten all of my opinions by then if u read my first two paragraphs, ty ily I’m sorry it’s so long I just really like romance

    lili June 13, 2024 7:09 pm
    Oh and also the only things that kept me reading on was how amazingly amazing the art was, I love it sm, I even like the new artstyle too (but Deon’s prettiness got downgraded especially his hair ). The firs... ~niceness~

    THIS. after the art went down around ch 34 I dropped it. I came to check it at this update (around 60 something) and it's like the 3rd art change? also ITS SIBLINGS LOVE?

    Wendy July 15, 2024 1:12 pm

    Girl~ I only went here to read some reviews to see if this is worth reading HAHAHA but I ended up liking your rants (╥﹏╥) ty for the heads-up