big hater

whydoicryonasundaymorning May 7, 2024 2:25 pm

i am so sorry i cannot be the only one who hates lily like she’s so pretty but oh my god i do not like her she’s so annoying

    froggy May 7, 2024 2:26 pm

    we only got 4 chapters

    smiling dog May 7, 2024 3:15 pm

    fr she better redeem herself after this

    The fool May 7, 2024 7:01 pm
    fr she better redeem herself after this smiling dog

    redeem herself after believing someone LEFT HER RIGHT AFTER HER CONFESSION????? ANNA LEFT HER, WHERE’S THE UNDERSTANDING??? That’s actually fucking insane for you to say-

    smiling dog May 7, 2024 7:12 pm
    redeem herself after believing someone LEFT HER RIGHT AFTER HER CONFESSION????? ANNA LEFT HER, WHERE’S THE UNDERSTANDING??? That’s actually fucking insane for you to say- The fool

    calm down i just meant that lily better not be annoying asf every chapter and that the author should at least write reasonable characters lol

    The fool May 7, 2024 7:17 pm
    calm down i just meant that lily better not be annoying asf every chapter and that the author should at least write reasonable characters lol smiling dog

    I am calm!! but also, babes, this author is just shit at story telling. Lily might just end up being annoying like the MC in Bad Thinking Diary and if so, It just is what it is at that point I was simply pointing out that you saying Lily needs to redeem herself when she, truthfully, didn’t do anything wrong is what was insane to me

    smiling dog May 7, 2024 7:29 pm
    I am calm!! but also, babes, this author is just shit at story telling. Lily might just end up being annoying like the MC in Bad Thinking Diary and if so, It just is what it is at that point I was simply poin... The fool

    oh sorry lmao

    NotCool May 7, 2024 7:33 pm
    I am calm!! but also, babes, this author is just shit at story telling. Lily might just end up being annoying like the MC in Bad Thinking Diary and if so, It just is what it is at that point I was simply poin... The fool

    Are you able to read at the level of a normal high school student? If you can read this story, and not understand that Lily and Anna loved one and other I kind of feel sorry for you. They were in some sort of emotional relationship. Get into some after school programs. Lily was ready to cheat the moment she saw Rose. She is a super shallow character. This is porn. Do not overthink it.

    NotCool May 7, 2024 7:34 pm

    You are right Lily is trash. I have no idea how she is suppose to carry the story. But that is not really important. This story is for the horny people who likes to watch the pretty pictures

    The fool May 7, 2024 8:02 pm
    Are you able to read at the level of a normal high school student? If you can read this story, and not understand that Lily and Anna loved one and other I kind of feel sorry for you. They were in some sort of e... NotCool

    WHO IS OVERTHINKING???? Who are YOU to criticize my reading comprehension?!

    Did Lily and Anna have an emotionally attached relationship? Duh. But the scene where Lily literally asked Anna “If (she) ever truly desired (her)” disproves this fucking idea of Lily cheating. Literally that fucking whole scene was Lily pouring her absolutely heart out to Anna—and, now, tell me…What did Anna say after that?! ”I CANT” AND WALKED AWAY. THAT’S FLAT OUT REJECTION?? Ofc us readers see that Anna is just scared of going further into the relationship because she’s a fucking maid (or an additional reasoning, because there’s only 4. Fucking. Chapters) BUT LILY DOESN’T GET THAT PRIVILEGE TO SEE THAT??? THEY BOTH DON’T, it’s a whole miscommunication.

    You tell me to “not overthink it” and that this is simply porn, even though I have not at all said anything about taking this series seriously. YOU should not sit on your fucking high horse, criticize MY intellectual, and tell me to “check into an after school program” when you clearly can’t comprehend anything I’ve said. I simply was pointing out what a commenter was saying is fucking dumb because Lily was never in an actual relationship so there isn’t anything to redeem. What does that have to do with me “overthinking” anything.

    NotCool May 8, 2024 5:48 am
    WHO IS OVERTHINKING???? Who are YOU to criticize my reading comprehension?! Did Lily and Anna have an emotionally attached relationship? Duh. But the scene where Lily literally asked Anna “If (she) ever truly... The fool

    If you are the only one seeing the story like this, there might be a reason for that. Get help for your mental problems dude. And its just porn. Lily is not a deep character. She was ready for sex the moment Rose entered the picture. She is not a serious character. Weird to spend this much time defending what is basically a hentai slut.

    The fool May 8, 2024 7:14 am
    If you are the only one seeing the story like this, there might be a reason for that. Get help for your mental problems dude. And its just porn. Lily is not a deep character. She was ready for sex the moment Ro... NotCool

    ???? Dude, literally what the hell are you attacking me for. You actually might have a reading comprehension problem.

    Me, pointing out what the character’s have said and stating them to you is not me diving deep into the story and giving you a deep dive. Be fucking for real. I know this is porn and that the plot is piss poor, I’ve literally said the story telling is probably going to be not that deep because this author has SHITTY stories??

    You might just be a troll, cause seriously what the fuck are you even on.

    im gonna be straight with you May 8, 2024 12:37 pm

    Let's be real... We all saw her blushing face... She seems a lil sexually frustrated bc the maid ain't giving her some action apparently (I really thought they were fcking bc they took baths together lmao). And also she kinda wanna smash the Duchess u can tell ┗( T﹏T )┛