Maybe it's DESTINY

nyanya625 May 7, 2024 1:32 pm

Of course I feel bad that yuuma was practically robbed of a "normal" life. And shun was in a terrible accident.

But I can't help but love this story since it's tragic.

The way events had unfolded makes me believe they were meant for each other. Before I even finished the story, I could sense shun was in love with yuuma. If he really felt animosity towards yuuma, he wouldn't want to be around him AT ALL (let alone be roommates).

Although shun went about keeping him in his life the wrong way. I could tell shun was attached to him while reading that flashback. Maybe young shun was struggling with abandonment (home troubles?).

Overall, yuuma is handed the short stick and shun will never have to feel left behind by yuuma ever again.
(I must be mad, just thinking about it gives me butterflies hehe
