Point of view

Cid May 7, 2024 6:22 am

Okay, some people got offended because of how the culture made in this story.

In my point of view, I don't see it as offensive, why? Because its fiction. I don't think the author made it to offend someone. The author just borrowed some concepts to made this kind of world.

I don't know any cultures in here that the author made reference to irl but I don't think about it much. I'm not learning cultural history here. Since its a fantasy world, I don't want to relate it much on cultural level IRL.

You can educate people about your cultures if you want, to make people aware of the IRL cultures y'all talking about but please people ...

Be courteous about it. Thank you!

P.S. I didn't comment it to offend someone. This is just my perspective.

    Saz82yu September 19, 2024 9:18 pm

    I can understand your perspective but you need to understand that the author pointed that she was using a real culture
    And the sterotype she is using are harmful racist Islamophobia and misogynistic

    Cid September 20, 2024 3:22 am
    I can understand your perspective but you need to understand that the author pointed that she was using a real culture And the sterotype she is using are harmful racist Islamophobia and misogynistic Saz82yu

    Well, I didn't know the author pointed it out. Where did the author say it?

    Saz82yu September 20, 2024 1:44 pm
    Well, I didn't know the author pointed it out. Where did the author say it? Cid

    You need to go where she wrote her webnovel someone gave it to me on the comment section .Someone pointed out how disgusting her representaion of arabs/ottoman was and how her using religious term (here islam) was disgusting. So author didn't apologise she just said that she was korean so she didn't know anything about "people who live in the desert"
    Which is stupid and harmful and show how the author thinks

    Saz82yu September 20, 2024 1:46 pm
    Well, I didn't know the author pointed it out. Where did the author say it? Cid

    Pls you don't need to search really far look in the cover
    It's a mosque which show that she didn't even used culture wrong but also religion

    Saz82yu September 20, 2024 1:46 pm
    Well, I didn't know the author pointed it out. Where did the author say it? Cid

    Plus this manhwa is so misogyne with racist and islamophobic

    Cid September 23, 2024 2:47 am
    Plus this manhwa is so misogyne with racist and islamophobic Saz82yu

    Unfortunely, not everyone will care. There are more disturbing stories with controversial authors and people still read it cuz that's their type of sh!t. When I'm uncomfortable of story because of the same things like this, I'll just drop it.

    I appreciate info like this, thanks for telling!

    Saz82yu September 23, 2024 5:39 am
    Unfortunely, not everyone will care. There are more disturbing stories with controversial authors and people still read it cuz that's their type of sh!t. When I'm uncomfortable of story because of the same thin... Cid

    Whoa what a shitty things to say . If you see how the authors is harming cummunity and you decide to turn a blind eye it mean you are has shitty has the author .
    And what his shitty his that people are okay with this shit only when it harms arab or muslim .
    When other story are disturbing it's usually made to be disturbing but obviously not this one .
    And let me rephrase what you are saying "I don't care because im not part of the cilture so ahaha i do not care "

    Cid September 23, 2024 5:46 am
    Whoa what a shitty things to say . If you see how the authors is harming cummunity and you decide to turn a blind eye it mean you are has shitty has the author .And what his shitty his that people are okay with... Saz82yu

    Yes because that's what I experienced as well. People just don't care. What can I do if they won't care? Even if I say or tell them that, not all of them will care. You can just avoid them cuz that's all we can do. Even if you get mad of me, that's all you can do.

    Been there, done that.

    Even if you judge because of it, that's just it.
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Saz82yu September 23, 2024 4:07 pm
    Yes because that's what I experienced as well. People just don't care. What can I do if they won't care? Even if I say or tell them that, not all of them will care. You can just avoid them cuz that's all we can... Cid

    That what i call a loser personality
    It s being sharing and explaining why something is wrong that the world his going to change
    If nobody said anything women wouldn't have right and neither black people
    So your way of thinking his just a way to run away from your responsibility, because yes you have a responsability as a human to speak about what's wrong . The world isn't going to change by with your lazy way of thinking

    Cid September 23, 2024 4:56 pm
    That what i call a loser personality It s being sharing and explaining why something is wrong that the world his going to change If nobody said anything women wouldn't have right and neither black people So you... Saz82yu

    That's why I appreciate you sharing. I'm not saying I don't care. I'm saying some people won't care. I did that already but I'm not one to force them on this cuz I know when someone believe in something, even if it's wrong, you won't ever change their minds. Maybe some of them but not ALL of them.

    That's all I realized throughout my experience in internet community.

    So I say my piece and let them do what they want with it cuz I'm telling you not ALL of them will ever be aligned with you. And that's a fact.

    So if I'm offended you, then I'm sorry. But look at what we're doing. We won't understand each other cuz we have different takes about the topic.

    So this will be my last comment. You can block me if you think you're not comfortable with me. It's your choice.