Come on Juan, you can't go after birthing that TV interference of a baby AND having fought...

obake-chan May 7, 2024 12:17 am

Come on Juan, you can't go after birthing that TV interference of a baby AND having fought Korean Edward on doing what you really wanted. Can't give up now after achieving all that, can you? So fight back bc I hate Korean Edward and he deserves a tragedy but i like you.

    Rosenyx May 7, 2024 1:42 am


    Nickname May 7, 2024 3:42 am

    Ugly glitched baby and creepy vampire pedo, complete with blood feeding birth scene, NO WAY is this author ever beating the Twlight knockoff allegations lmfaoooooo

    obake-chan May 7, 2024 7:48 am

    Oh no ಥ‿ಥ WELL AT LEAST YOU HAD FUN WHILE HURTING... that's a serious premise for many manwhas :B

    obake-chan May 7, 2024 7:51 am
    Ugly glitched baby and creepy vampire pedo, complete with blood feeding birth scene, NO WAY is this author ever beating the Twlight knockoff allegations lmfaoooooo Nickname

    LMAO I mean 50 shadows started as a twilight fanfic so why not Korean gay vampires

    Where was the pedo part tho, bc I missed it D=

    Nickname May 7, 2024 3:58 pm
    LMAO I mean 50 shadows started as a twilight fanfic so why not Korean gay vampires Where was the pedo part tho, bc I missed it D= obake-chan

    The part where the vampire is like a few hundred years older than the 20 something year old disciple that he basically groomed

    obake-chan May 7, 2024 6:04 pm
    The part where the vampire is like a few hundred years older than the 20 something year old disciple that he basically groomed Nickname

    Yeah no that's the whole dynamic behind vampires chasing mortals you know? Like, the whole genre is based on ancient, nightmarish beings that pursue creatures younger than them for whatever reasons they may have. Then, what happens with Arwen and Aragorn? Is Arwen a geriatric pedo too? My my, poor Strider he got scammed.
    Anyways, Korean Edward waited for Juan to be of age to do anything. Being of age meaning that, under human social standards, that person is an adult. Young, but an adult. And thus, totally free to do whatever they please... but not in this case because Korean Edward is a fucking possessive piece of trash. But that's another whole question.

    Nickname May 7, 2024 11:34 pm
    Yeah no that's the whole dynamic behind vampires chasing mortals you know? Like, the whole genre is based on ancient, nightmarish beings that pursue creatures younger than them for whatever reasons they may hav... obake-chan

    I mean he groomed the kid, like quite textbook definition groomed him. Just bc a creep waits until a kid is legal doesn’t make them not gross for grooming them until that age, it just means that if there weren’t legal or social repercussions they’d have done something earlier. I don’t like the ancient octogenarian vampire x young barely 20 something year old human dynamic BECAUSE of how creepy it comes off, it really isn’t my cup of tea.

    Like yeah sure that 80 year old billionaire dating the fresh 19 year old technically isn’t a pedo, but god damn is it still incredibly icky. That child wasn’t even born when the billionaire was qualifying for AARP benefits lmfaoo.

    So yeah, technically Korean Edward isn’t a pedo, but he IS a groomer and he is an old fucking creep in my book. Every time I see him that one viral sound “I like them young

    obake-chan May 8, 2024 7:57 am
    I mean he groomed the kid, like quite textbook definition groomed him. Just bc a creep waits until a kid is legal doesn’t make them not gross for grooming them until that age, it just means that if there were... Nickname

    There's nothing to be said if the age gap gets you all icky, to each their own *shrugs* Having this so clear as you have it, the only unwanted advise i can give is for you to never consume anything related to the "immortals" genre that involves intimacy, emotional or erotic. You'll get stuck at the same moral dilemma everytime.

    I really don't remember the grooming and I'd appreciate if you can provide the chapter numbers so I can double check on this.

    Personally, I have nothing against huge age gaps as long as everything's healthy, aka, no one was forced, coerced, etc to do anything xD free the love, free the sex.

    Nickname May 8, 2024 3:58 pm

    Grooming is preparing a minor victim for a specific purpose or activity. This is usually done through targeting your victim, gaining their trust, filling a ‘need’ making them dependent on you, and isolating them. The vampire did all of the above, grooming is the action of taking a minor and raising them with the intent of having a relationship with them basically, and most times it also includes other forms of abuse. I don’t need to cite a chapter because this is all exactly what the vampire did, and that’s why the vampire hundred year age gaps are gross, because it’s just textbook grooming. This is a victim and his groomer in a relationship.

    Multiple times Edward has also gone behind Juan’s back and disregarded the need to even ask for consent, specifically in his action to impregnate him and then in his abortion plan. Edward has shown that he is a groomer because groomers don’t actually care about the emotional health of their victims, they only care that they stay dependent on them and they listen to what they say.