Purky May 6, 2024 5:06 pm

Okay. Lets get this straight, the 38 y/o basically told his boyfriend that he doesnt take him srsly bcuz he is young and will move on to like someone else younger, and now said boyfriend is considering CHEATING on the director with this randome guy he met at a cafe (unless he broke up with the director) and now we are left with this dusty crusty ass cliffhanger??
Excuse my french, but WHAT?!

    Natthebrat May 13, 2024 3:28 pm

    Where are you getting the cheating from? Did we not read the same story where mc is literally obsessed and in love with kang?

    asmiir_ May 13, 2024 8:17 pm

    He just wants to make him jealous and for him to reconsider the words he used when he was drunk..

    In this chapter he even said “time to make him jealous” so he can focus more on him lol