I mean…there nothing weird about it, yeah the autor could make him totally German if she/he want, but it’s also totally possible to Noah had born with most characteristics coming from his father, even if he has a asian mom, genetically its totally plausible (the same in reverse, this is how versatile genetics can be depending on the person)

For one, I think it was his dad that was Japanese (as far as I understood the introduction) and there are lots of things that go into genes, and the best way this goes is in punnet squares. It could be that his mother’s traits are largely dominant. There are three types of formatting it genes. We’ll classify our variable with “h” for hair. The three types are HH, Hh and hh. It could be that his mother’s genes are HH and his father has Hh. And often times, genes don’t always have to be present in one’s appearance. You may carry off a gene that you assume your parents don’t have, but in reality that trait wasn’t dominant enough to be passed down into actual and physical appearance, if that makes sense?
girl what is happening that man is either developmentally challenged or he's doing it on purpose I have no clue
Also the weirdly super-white-looking yet biracial person trope strikes again. Like you could have made him just be German and like a weeb about Japan or something lol how does he look like that and have a Japanese mom thats not how genes work bruh