
sam May 6, 2024 9:46 am

Sigh...yeah "green/yellow flag" my huge 1 ton shit. He is just manipulating/conditioning my baby into liking his abuse. Selfish fucking bastard...came back to see how it going with the little brother...i am happy for that little cutie but fuck the rapist ass...gonna skip his ugly ass for the brotherly moments...i love Euihyun as a character so much that i can't let go. Please someone help my brother out i wish i could get into this comic and nuke the fucking korea out of that good for nothing.

    Fau May 7, 2024 8:56 pm
    I didn't say i wanna nuke Korea. I wanna nuke the korea out of that mother fucker. Go back to grade school please. sam

    It’s always the yoga fans that r weird as hell go get help like actually, smelly, rancid ass hoe

    sam May 8, 2024 7:25 am
    Fiction or not, do you know how deviating a nuke is? Saying u wanna nuke a place is still weird as hell, go back to grade school and maybe even admit ur self to a place that offers professional help to losers l... Fau

    On my god. I litrelly said i wanna nuke one single person. You are so god damn stupid. This is the time you all take fiction seriously. Lol. Your incompetence is showing.

    sam May 8, 2024 7:26 am
    You don't have a point lmfao copium going crazy Emera

    Idk about me. But yeah you are definitely high on copium. Thats for sure.

    Fau May 8, 2024 8:37 am
    On my god. I litrelly said i wanna nuke one single person. You are so god damn stupid. This is the time you all take fiction seriously. Lol. Your incompetence is showing. sam

    “ i wanna nuke one single person” okay? Is telling me this supposed to make it sound any better? U calling me stupid and shit but couldn’t even put out a grammatically correct way to word ur weird sentence, bitch YOU need to go back to grade school, tf YOUR incompetence is showing.

    sam May 8, 2024 8:53 am
    “ i wanna nuke one single person” okay? Is telling me this supposed to make it sound any better? U calling me stupid and shit but couldn’t even put out a grammatically correct way to word ur weird sentenc... Fau

    Ok fine. I wanna nuke the "korean" out of that good for nothing dumb rapist piece of shit. Cool? U dont have 2 extra brain cells to spare and make sense of it like a normal person. Too bad. Ik. Now leave.

    Emera May 8, 2024 9:48 am
    Idk about me. But yeah you are definitely high on copium. Thats for sure. sam

    *wants to nuke real place based on fictional story*

    "Yeah ur coping heh."

    Ok lol

    Fau May 8, 2024 10:21 am
    Ok fine. I wanna nuke the "korean" out of that good for nothing dumb rapist piece of shit. Cool? U dont have 2 extra brain cells to spare and make sense of it like a normal person. Too bad. Ik. Now leave. sam

    Ur the only one that’s gonna get the sentence, bc ur stupid ass wrote! it and got the nerve to call me stupid! And I STILL don’t know what ur saying even in this reply! Like, what r u in about! That still doesn’t sound better!

    Fau May 8, 2024 10:22 am
    Ur the only one that’s gonna get the sentence, bc ur stupid ass wrote! it and got the nerve to call me stupid! And I STILL don’t know what ur saying even in this reply! Like, what r u in about! That still d... Fau


    sam May 8, 2024 10:24 am
    *wants to nuke real place based on fictional story*"Yeah ur coping heh." Ok lol Emera

    He is literally Korean? Anyways stop waiting my time. You know my comment was about something else ugh. If u r done leave ffs.

    sam May 8, 2024 10:28 am
    Ur the only one that’s gonna get the sentence, bc ur stupid ass wrote! it and got the nerve to call me stupid! And I STILL don’t know what ur saying even in this reply! Like, what r u in about! That still d... Fau