not the author making potato get raped in the first chapter of the side story 😭😭

999daniella May 5, 2024 9:49 pm

not the author making potato get raped in the first chapter of the side story

    Safety Advocate May 5, 2024 9:50 pm

    There is no rapr in Jinx. Look up the definition of it. Dan didn't get raped either. You are a gaslighting cyberstalker.

    999daniella May 5, 2024 9:54 pm
    There is no rapr in Jinx. Look up the definition of it. Dan didn't get raped either. You are a gaslighting cyberstalker. Safety Advocate

    be so for real right now...firstly he was drunk AND he told him to stop and he didn't

    YAOI__GIRL May 5, 2024 9:57 pm

    Nah, fr. Mf said if the MC has to go through it, so does the side MC

    YAOI__GIRL May 5, 2024 9:58 pm
    be so for real right now...firstly he was drunk AND he told him to stop and he didn't 999daniella

    They're joking lmaoo

    Aloha May 5, 2024 10:03 pm
    They're joking lmaoo YAOI__GIRL

    That safety is a cyberstalker impersonating Safety trying to harm her victims. She has many account to impersonate us.

    The real Safety has been posting this:
    That's a cyberstalker harassing their victims with many account impersonating their targets. They are pretending to be trolls.
    They claim we are overly sensitive troll victims of theirs. Which is a lie but shows everything they say is them "trolling" aka harassing and gaslighting their victims to where others will harm them. Like 99.999% of what they say about their targets are lies. Showing they are cyberstalkers. Ignore them, block them. Look at I love MD aka me comments here that is the same Cyberstalker behind that many of the cyberstalkers accounts.

    Aloha May 5, 2024 10:06 pm

    The real safety..
    "Having sex with someone when they are drunk can be rape as they can't consent. If they are too drunk, their ability to give valid consent may be compromised. You said you allowed him did you consent and how drunk were you? This is a complex situauation and while the action could be rape. You are the one to say it was rape or not. The key point to this is whether you the intoxicated person was capable of understanding the situation and freely agreeing. In some cases, engaging in sexual activity with an intoxicated person who cannot give informed consent may be considered rape or sexual assault."

    There are other comments saying Potato and Heesung can both say they are rape as they were both drunk.

    Aloha May 5, 2024 10:09 pm
    They're joking lmaoo YAOI__GIRL

    Rage bait pretending to be her targets to hurt her targets. So, now when 999danilla or you encounter the real Safety, they hope you will attack Safety thinking they are the same person. She is trying to damage reps and she even tried to frame one of her targets when she used two of her actions. Everything is to hurt her targets. They are anger at us. It is not a joke they are trying to make us pay. There are more than just her. They are cyberstalking us.

    Safety Advocate May 5, 2024 10:09 pm

    My alt account is Morning dimonds and Aloha. I will occas compliment myself and reply to my own comments. I wonder why after 2 years no one but my 10+ accounts are by my side. Please anyone, befriend me.

    Safety Advocate May 5, 2024 10:11 pm

    Since you want to bring up being outed as a pedophile,

    The pedophile Morning diamonds aka Safety advocate DMed a 16yo user for pics and his defense is ''Pedophilia is 13 and below''.

    He is a rape apologist and says women fantasizing about rape to be normal and healthy. He claims Jaekyung never raped Dan in fact the opposite.

    Tmsmyz is one of his many alt accounts. Morning diamonds is his main. He has 10+ other alts accounts.

    Aloha May 5, 2024 10:24 pm
    They're joking lmaoo YAOI__GIRL

    They make anyone that defends their targets to be them. Just in what they posted here shows they are lying. I am not morning Diamonds that they tried to frame.
    How can I, Saftey, and 3 others have done the same out. She has account impersonating MD. She used that account and emailed her alt. Her alt emailed the real MD and he blocked the sockpuppet after two comments. Then she emailed her sockpuppet with the account impersonating MD.
    She is the rape apologist. Objective reporting --> women fantasizing about rape to be normal and healthy. The we are all the same person is a joke. It is showing it is a lie. And Safety had debunked that post many times and they still post. Safety and MD have exposed their frame up. They are that sad.
    99% of what they say is a lie.

    Safety Advocate May 5, 2024 10:27 pm

    The pedophile Morning diamonds aka Aloha DMed a 16yo user for pics and his defense is ''Pedophilia is 13 and below''.

    He is a rape apologist and says women fantasizing about rape to be normal and healthy. He claims Jaekyung never raped Dan in fact the opposite.

    Tmsmyz is one of his many alt accounts. Morning diamonds is his main. He has 10+ other alts accounts.

    Aloha May 5, 2024 10:31 pm

    This is the one that emailed their sockpuppet. She has admitted to being pedo and that she was that "16 year old"

    She is cyberstalker impersonating the real MD spreading lies that have been debunked. They will be posting that same thing for months. They can't move on or stop.

    We are no longer talking to them. They have lost their targets. They are wasting time. They are their own target as they are projecting.

    YAOI__GIRL May 5, 2024 11:32 pm
    That safety is a cyberstalker impersonating Safety trying to harm her victims. She has many account to impersonate us. The real Safety has been posting this: That's a cyberstalker harassing their victims with m... Aloha

    Oh- I'll keep my mouth shut next time

    velocity May 6, 2024 8:41 am

    i recommend everyone to block these psychos in these replies who argue about there being no rape in jinx. whoever is behind these accounts clearly is not in the right state of mind and arguing with them seems pointless and just a waste of time.

    Aloha May 6, 2024 8:50 am
    Oh- I'll keep my mouth shut next time YAOI__GIRL

    No. You are not at fault it give me a chance to explain them.
    You just did not understand what was happening.

    No one is arguing. There had never been any arguing. It has been defending from attacks from haters, cyberstallkers, etc.

    This is not about a pov of Jinx. The only psychos are the cyberstalkers.
    I believe velocity is one of them and catfishing. That is what cyberstalkers do.
    If not, Velocity would not had lied, included the targets, made it about a pov or normalized cyberstalkering.
    They sound like one of them with the same false narratives and trying to harm their targets.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 7, 2024 4:02 am

    cry harder md, maybe velocity is also a cyberstalker and not a reader trying to read the comments without your whining and warning everyone of your schizophrenia

    Safety Advocate May 7, 2024 1:00 pm
    No. You are not at fault it give me a chance to explain them.You just did not understand what was happening. No one is arguing. There had never been any arguing. It has been defending from attacks from haters,... Aloha

    MD is not in this thread. And I see more projection from them. What do you think? Also.... velocity say they only read 5 chapters but you need then five chapters to understand.
    Also velocity can mean only the cyberstalkers. As it only fits to them including here.

    Safety Advocate May 9, 2024 3:54 pm

    Sure whatever helps you cope hhahah only md can get mad at me talking about md, can you be any less obvious

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 9, 2024 4:38 pm
    MD is not in this thread. And I see more projection from them. What do you think? Also.... velocity say they only read 5 chapters but you need then five chapters to understand. Also velocity can mean only the ... Safety Advocate

    lol they are pretending you were mad and that you are MD again. Look I can post this link to where they are trying to gaslight others. It shows they are harassing us and they are gaslighting others.

    Aloha May 9, 2024 5:15 pm
    lol they are pretending you were mad and that you are MD again. Look I can post this link to where they are trying to gaslight others. It shows they are harassing us and they are gaslighting others. I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    They are claiming wild things and hoping something sticks.