Tbh if it was a separate story it would not be that bad

daddy_chill May 5, 2024 6:04 pm

Hear me out, if it was a separate story of a toxic celebrity who is enjoying sex just for the pleasure and using his beauty to do so - sign me up. That seems reasonable. Also potato is not a spineless baby, so I believe he won't get into too much of a trouble.. One night stands in a drunk/tipsy state happen and this wasn't exactly forced.
Ofc there can be a debate that drunk people can't give consent BUT I don't think he was that out of his mind (if he was asleep, puking or just totally out then ugh, yeah that's really bad).
Being it together with story of doc Han and Jaekyung tho? It feels like too much angst at once.
But overall, we will see where this goes. I unfortunately think the author does not have that much skill in writing both characters and plots as she does in drawing. Because oh lord, her art is pretty.
