The more I read this, the more I realize that Woojung is not actually a good adult. Apar...

Sugakookie May 5, 2024 3:47 pm

The more I read this, the more I realize that Woojung is not actually a good adult.

Apart from the major ick that he had sex with Jiho the very night he turned 18 (him being a prosecutor and all, you'd think he had a greater sense of moral and responsibility than this), he also never seeked any professional help for Jiho. Considering he literally picked Jiho up by the side of the road- a suicidal beaten up teenager, you'd think the first step he took is getting him psychological help. And then pushing him towards proper education and necessary stuff like that. Not start a romantic and physical relationship.

    peanutbuttalova May 5, 2024 5:43 pm

    FYI, "minor" in Korea is under 20. So he had sex with him the night he turned 20.

    punpurin May 8, 2024 6:47 am
    FYI, "minor" in Korea is under 20. So he had sex with him the night he turned 20. peanutbuttalova

    korean age is different from universal age. If ur 18 in universal age, depending on what month ur born, u can be 20 in korean age. so there is a big chance mc was actuall 18 years old (koreans just calculate 18 years of life as 20)